Structured Dating Advice in the book for Dummies by Dr. Joy Browne - part 1
Dr Joy’s book on Dating for Dummies has been targeted to the single audience eager to take some wisdom from this former talk show host. This book in it’s 2nd edition form, covers many topics that are laid out in a structured way to help singles get over the hurdle of dating.
The book starts by addressing ‘you’ since it’s vital that you get a grasp of where you are and why you want to date. Many single folks are unaware or don’t really ask themselves why they would like to have a partner and simply dive into a relationship without questioning the merits of dating and the long-term interest. Here Dr Joy identifies you as the main character and if you have been putting dating off for a while, to start building some confidence. This indirectly get’s you into the whole matter of dating. Think of it like buying a car, you do your initial research and go around shopping and even spot the same cars on the street. Your ‘awareness’ level in this topic has just been enhanced by giving it more importance than usual.
Although she devotes only Part 1 of the Introduction touching on this valuable topic, I personally would have spent a whole chapter on this. There are many facets and reasons why people date and they need to be highlighted and brought into fruition. In this way, you may feel that you belong to one category where you can immediately relate to and thus take more proactive steps in improving yourself. I would recommend for men to read the intro on the book by Dan Albright – Chicks - A User’s Guide.
The above book has great references to why some men date actively and why others don’t. Many men I feel can relate to the author’s description of the types they can belong to and relate well to the points. I also encourage women to read this book as it will provide some insight to men’s inner psychology. Understanding this will help you appreciate why certain men behave the way they do.
God and Jesus. The best is available we shloud all use them. And a date? we shloud seek a spouse or potential spouse. God knows us inside and out and even the very number of hairs on our heads. So why do not more go to God/Jesus with things like this and more?Ask not, get not. Many never ask God for anything so they get nothing for not asking. Asking makes it our will to have God do it for us, if we do not ask we are choosing to do it our way or ourselves.So take this and all things to God/Jesus and let them get it for you, or get the things of the world like the ones of the world. Do as the world, reap as the world. So use Jesus he is ours now.bless you.