Google Killing the excitement of singles in Long distance relationship?
With ever changing Google algorithm, not only are online marketers getting sleepless nights but also it is ruining the dating life of aspiring long distance relationship experiences of singles. Google search has set a benchmark when anything on the internet needs to be searched. In fact Google search engine has changed the definition of search for the internet users. Nobody will say ‘search for’ but it is always ‘Google it’. The dramatic effect that Google search has on our minds cannot be put in words. It’s simply an enigma!
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Google has changed its algorithms which ranks a page differently. When one ‘Google’s’ for anything, the search results that come up are of the local pages that get ranked on top. Whether you are searching for a product or online dating sites, the website that has the local dating singles gets listed on top places of Google Search Engine results.
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Google search has confined the world literally to the city. It is normal human tendency that the person will at the most look/surf only in the first three pages. The links that have higher ranking automatically get hit. When looking for a product, you can easily find the product right in your city or vicinity. If looking for a date, you can find the same close to you. This changed algorithm of Google search has its advantages as you can find the product/person closer to home. In the process, Google has almost alienated people by distancing the web pages/websites of the world by ranking them much lower. Of course Google strives to improve the user experience but this will definitely kill long distance relationships.
God and Jesus. The best is available we shloud all use them. And a date? we shloud seek a spouse or potential spouse. God knows us inside and out and even the very number of hairs on our heads. So why do not more go to God/Jesus with things like this and more?Ask not, get not. Many never ask God for anything so they get nothing for not asking. Asking makes it our will to have God do it for us, if we do not ask we are choosing to do it our way or ourselves.So take this and all things to God/Jesus and let them get it for you, or get the things of the world like the ones of the world. Do as the world, reap as the world. So use Jesus he is ours now.bless you.