A to Z tips to prepare for date night – Dating Advice - Part :3
M. Manage your finances well and don’t go overboard to spend on your date. Plan your budget so that you don’t go around borrowing money from friends to please your date and fall in a debt trap. If you are unable to get out of the debt then remember you will lose your friends and your date as well.
N. Never force your date to do something he or she doesn’t want to do. No matter what the activity, decide mutually if you should go ahead with it so that both of you enjoy it equally.
O. Odd Couple? Think about your relationship before you go on the next date. Listen to your intuition which will tell you whether you are made for each other or not. Don’t force yourself into a relationship which will ultimate fall apart and cause heart break.
P. Perfumes trigger the brain and create a mood. Carefully choose a perfume you will wear when on a date. Make sure your date is not allergic to fragrances or asthmatic else he/she will have to run away from you.
Q. Questions should be asked but not to probe into the privacy of the individual. Keep your conversation healthy even when it gets intimate.
R. Respect each other for who you are. Don’t expect the person to change as per your whims and fancies. Accept him/her and let the simple dating relationship grow into a beautiful long term relationship.
S. Smile increases face value. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown. A smiling face relaxes not only you but your date as well. A smile conveys happiness at seeing him/her. So smile always no matter what!
God and Jesus. The best is available we shloud all use them. And a date? we shloud seek a spouse or potential spouse. God knows us inside and out and even the very number of hairs on our heads. So why do not more go to God/Jesus with things like this and more?Ask not, get not. Many never ask God for anything so they get nothing for not asking. Asking makes it our will to have God do it for us, if we do not ask we are choosing to do it our way or ourselves.So take this and all things to God/Jesus and let them get it for you, or get the things of the world like the ones of the world. Do as the world, reap as the world. So use Jesus he is ours now.bless you.