A to Z tips to prepare for date night – Dating Advice - Part :2
F. Fitness plays a major role especially when dating. Follow a fitness regime by going to the gym or yoga or any other form of exercise. Workout is not only for the body but for the fitness of the mind as well. You can think of adding spice to dating by working out together.
G. Gifting is an expression of affection and care. Shower each other with gifts just to tell the other person that you are always on my mind.
H. Hygiene is very important for a relationship to blossom. Shower, perfume, clip nails, a good hair do that suits you are a must when you go on a date.
I. Intimacy does not develop on first meeting. Give each other time to develop that closeness before you start getting physical.
J. Just say no when you don’t agree to something. Voice your opinion rather than just being meek and accepting his/her word and getting stressed about it later.
K. Keep it simple. Don’t load your date with unnecessary stories about your ex or your family. Know each other better as this understanding will benefit both of you in the long run.
L. Laughter is the best medicine. Humor plays a wonderful role in strengthening a relationship. ‘People, who laugh together, live together’. Learn to be witty and humorous and you will always be thought of with a smile.
God and Jesus. The best is available we shloud all use them. And a date? we shloud seek a spouse or potential spouse. God knows us inside and out and even the very number of hairs on our heads. So why do not more go to God/Jesus with things like this and more?Ask not, get not. Many never ask God for anything so they get nothing for not asking. Asking makes it our will to have God do it for us, if we do not ask we are choosing to do it our way or ourselves.So take this and all things to God/Jesus and let them get it for you, or get the things of the world like the ones of the world. Do as the world, reap as the world. So use Jesus he is ours now.bless you.