7 facts singles want to hide from their date forever
Dating is an exciting moment in each one’s life. Each person wants to put up his or her best foot forward when on a date. Special care is taken to wear the right outfit, the hairdo, the perfume, the footwear and the accessories too. Dating marks the beginning of a relationship and gives a sense of well-being and security to the singles. No single going on a date would want to ruin that relationship. He or she would strive to build a stronger bond with the date if the chemistry works on the first meeting. Most singles will hide these facts from their date, so be wary of these:
1. Alcoholism - this is one of the biggest problems singles face if they have been alone and lonely for too long. Their dependence on alcohol may have made them alcoholics which they will never share with their date for a fear of losing him or her
2. Drug abuse- even if he or she has been rehabilitated one will never give this secret out. Hiding this fact seems proper to them as they consider this a passing phase of life
3. Relationship with ex- knowing details of relationship with the ex may drive your date away. Don’t mention former lovers to her or she may label you to be a sex maniac
4. Personal Comment- no matter how fat or ugly she looks in that dress, never tell her that unless you want to get rid of her
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5. Family secrets-are best kept secrets. Be it a broken home, your parents multiple partners or gay or lesbian streaks
6. OCD- obsessive compulsive disorder is most prevalent amongst people today. Most of them are aware of it but do not want disclose that fact
7. Medical Ailment-is best kept hidden from the date forever which maybe life threatening so one can enjoy the company
Being too honest with your date may not be the best policy and that is the reason why singles hide facts from their date. However, be aware that trust can be lost if you don’t disclose some of this information early on in the relationship.
God and Jesus. The best is available we shloud all use them. And a date? we shloud seek a spouse or potential spouse. God knows us inside and out and even the very number of hairs on our heads. So why do not more go to God/Jesus with things like this and more?Ask not, get not. Many never ask God for anything so they get nothing for not asking. Asking makes it our will to have God do it for us, if we do not ask we are choosing to do it our way or ourselves.So take this and all things to God/Jesus and let them get it for you, or get the things of the world like the ones of the world. Do as the world, reap as the world. So use Jesus he is ours now.bless you.