zombieboy Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I'm plenty shy, but also very aware of other people feelings. I'm no *****, and I'm not the one to cross. I make friends v
Age : 39
Occupation : Retail
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Occasionally
Gender : Male
Height : 5'9"
Body Type : Athletic
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Anglican
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
energetic, shy
About me and who I am looking for :
I'm plenty shy, but also very aware of other people feelings. I'm no *****, and I'm not the one to cross. I make friends very easily... I'm magnetic and I don't know why, because I usually hate the crap out of most people. I'm not a hostile person honest. I'm careful about who I let into my life, but once I do I'm very reliable and trustworthy. I'm a great listener and a good friend. THE END
My other personality traits:-
I'm very adaptable. I was the kid that had friends in every group in high school. I make the best of bad situation. I love working with my hands as i am very good with them. I'm very creative and my imagination can sometimes get the best of me. I'm very mechanically inclined, and I'm not afriad to try something once.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
Ideal?? my Ideal partner?? Ok then, my
My other personality traits:-
I'm very adaptable. I was the kid that had friends in every group in high school. I make the best of bad situation. I love working with my hands as i am very good with them. I'm very creative and my imagination can sometimes get the best of me. I'm very mechanically inclined, and I'm not afriad to try something once.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
Ideal?? my Ideal partner?? Ok then, my
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What I like to do for fun :
My most recent relationship, which wasn't recent at all, was over 2 years ago. It lasted over 3 years and the break-up was very draining. Once bitten twice shy describes my feelings towards love pretty well. I believe in it, but it will take something obvious to kick me back into it. I like to belive it was her fault, but I know it was mutual. I let my jealousy get he best of me. I have never cheated on anyone and I cannot accept the fact that some people find ways to justify it. staying in a relationship just for sex, or just for convienience, or just for ONE thing at all is not the right thing to do. A relationship must contain a mutual understanding of what the other wants and/or expects out of it. I want lasting... I want trust... and I absolutely cannot go without peanut butter and chocolate :)
Activities I like :
Museums and Art
Exercise Habits :
A few times a year
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
I'm very adaptable. I was the kid that had friends in every group in high school. I make the best of bad situation. I love working with my hands as i am very good with them. I'm very creative and my imagination can sometimes get the best of me. I'm very mechanically inclined, and I'm not afriad to try something once.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
Background Values:-
I'm a white boy... what else can I say??? I'm part irish, part german, part czech, and mostly hungarian.... is that good enough??
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
I was raised in a christian family and went to twice a week until I was about 14. I never really believed in God, but I completely understand the neccesity for faith. I lean towards the more scientific and practical explanations of how the earth was formed and so on. I have many different views... wanna chat about 'em?
I'm a white boy... what else can I say??? I'm part irish, part german, part czech, and mostly hungarian.... is that good enough??
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
I was raised in a christian family and went to twice a week until I was about 14. I never really believed in God, but I completely understand the neccesity for faith. I lean towards the more scientific and practical explanations of how the earth was formed and so on. I have many different views... wanna chat about 'em?
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Associates Degree
College Attended :
Associates Degree
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Right now I'm working in a food warehouse flash freezing foods. I'm simply working my way back up from buying way too much music equipment. Once I'm back on my feet I plan to go back to school in either Pheonix or Orlando to recieve my master of science degree in recording arts, music/entertainment business
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000