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  zmeikov Reward Points
Username : zmeikov ( SALT LAKE CITY ,Utah ,United States )
Headline : I am currently going trough divorce after 3yrs marriage. Just looking for chat.
Age : 44
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Gender : Male
Height : 6'5"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
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"keep your money for the date"
Dating and Relationship Advice

Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?

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About Me
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I would describe myself as :
Determined, Intelligent, Caring, (INTJ) Introversion, Intuiting, Thinking, Judging
About me and who I am looking for :
I am Software Engineer student graduating with Honors Summa Cum Laude in April 2012 from Weber State University. I am currently going trough divorce after 3 year marriage. I am just looking for a chat, or possibly more. I come from a Country in Eastern Europe called Bulgaria. I have been here in Salt lake for about 6 years. I make friends easy. My friends would say I'm reliable For a first date I would prefer a walk in the park or coffe shop If given the choice I would live in a mansion My favorite pet is a cat The type of food I like the most is All food is good If I had 1 million dollars I would be most likely to I'll tell you later When going somewhere I am usually on time My favorite color is Red Broken bones: None of mine have ever broken! Favorite junk food: cake Favorite holiday: Christmas Favorite season: Spring A brave thing that I have done is Walk on thin ice and listen to the craking noises My favorite movie or play is Love actually My favorite TV show is dont have one My dream car is mercedes covertible Please describe your goals for future : I like to go places and I have a big list of places that I want to visit. I have a big plans for my career and educaion. I want to have my own business or to work for a major company. Describe your view of an ideal relationship : Ideally it will be when two people are physically, menatally and spiritually attracted to each other. That could very rarely happen but if it does it will last long What do you have to say about your family, who are you closest to and why? I have never thought of who would be the closest from my familly. I guess this would be my mother, she was always there for me in every situation. If I had 24 hrs to change the world what would be the first thing you would change? I would make so that all the money will not exist any more. This a root of so many troubles. If there are no money people will work for better themselves and there will be no greed.

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What I like to do for fun :
Clubbing, Walk in parks, fixing things
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Education & Career
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