wtwocme Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I am fast paced, direct and fair.
I can't sit still must be busy....
Can do many thin
Age : 58
Occupation : Retail
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Occasionally
Gender : Male
Height : 5'9"
Body Type : Medium Build
Ethnicity : African-American
Religion : Non-Religious
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
reliable, happy-go-lucky
About me and who I am looking for :
I am fast paced, direct and fair.
I can't sit still must be busy....
Can do many things.
Failure no issue.
Not pushy, follow orders well. Can be a leader. Great planner. Try very hard. Fast to fix mistakes, first mistake last mistake. Fast learner. Commicate very well. Know right from wrong.
Don't fear but, can cry.
Move only one way (foward). Clever as a fox. Team player.
Can take defeat.
Eye for an Eye........
*VERY SEXUAL (Female only). Have rules and stick to them.
Heavy user of mobile devices.
My other personality traits:-
Get things done that matter. Set things in stone. Romantic high PRIORITY. Don't waste time. Reasonable, desirable, clever, quick, understanding, sharp, Commited to. Mysterious world. Keep matters under hat. (the 5th) = still wont give in. Funny at times, but dead serious the rest. Silly alone with. Multi-tasker. Good mind.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
This may help.....My top ten 1. Don't waste your or my time...that leds to problems. 2. Beating around the bush not good...just get to the point. 3. As I am very sharp....the flow goes simple. 4. 1st mistake, last mistake....only human and learn very fast to understand. 5. Do not assume.....That will bring out many misunderstandings. 6 Did you say it right or was I wrong?...reason it out before it gets out of hand. 7. If the flow is going...do not mess with it. 8. You must be within 40 miles to have the best results with me. 9. We must know what we are having: a.) A long term -(Just you and me) "I am highly commited to this" "Anything below will not happen if I am in a one on one" >>>(Only friends-non sexual allowed)<<< b.) Dating-*(Remember, I may see others)="Our rules will make it work" "The agreement entered will be upheld here" c.) Friends with options-*(Sexual activities)"Respectful actions here" "A set of rules go with this and must be followed" d.) Friends-(Non sexual)="Just as it is and it will go well" * Denotes, these actions will be done in a safe and respectful way. 10. Let us keep it simple and we will be fine. There are the top ten things to look into and or know what to expect when you are dealing with me. If I have missed something ask me and we will get it figured out.
My other personality traits:-
Get things done that matter. Set things in stone. Romantic high PRIORITY. Don't waste time. Reasonable, desirable, clever, quick, understanding, sharp, Commited to. Mysterious world. Keep matters under hat. (the 5th) = still wont give in. Funny at times, but dead serious the rest. Silly alone with. Multi-tasker. Good mind.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
This may help.....My top ten 1. Don't waste your or my time...that leds to problems. 2. Beating around the bush not good...just get to the point. 3. As I am very sharp....the flow goes simple. 4. 1st mistake, last mistake....only human and learn very fast to understand. 5. Do not assume.....That will bring out many misunderstandings. 6 Did you say it right or was I wrong?...reason it out before it gets out of hand. 7. If the flow is going...do not mess with it. 8. You must be within 40 miles to have the best results with me. 9. We must know what we are having: a.) A long term -(Just you and me) "I am highly commited to this" "Anything below will not happen if I am in a one on one" >>>(Only friends-non sexual allowed)<<< b.) Dating-*(Remember, I may see others)="Our rules will make it work" "The agreement entered will be upheld here" c.) Friends with options-*(Sexual activities)"Respectful actions here" "A set of rules go with this and must be followed" d.) Friends-(Non sexual)="Just as it is and it will go well" * Denotes, these actions will be done in a safe and respectful way. 10. Let us keep it simple and we will be fine. There are the top ten things to look into and or know what to expect when you are dealing with me. If I have missed something ask me and we will get it figured out.
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What I like to do for fun :
Learned so far....
Past is past don't worry.
Don't drag baggage.
Ex is ex.
Keep clean chapter for new relationship.
This quite simple, any kind of relationship.
All types must be respectful. *(ADULT- done safely please)
Not all relationships sexual.
Activities I like :
Museums and Art
Exercise Habits :
A few times a year
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
Get things done that matter. Set things in stone.
Romantic high PRIORITY. Don't waste time. Reasonable, desirable, clever, quick, understanding, sharp, Commited to.
Mysterious world.
Keep matters under hat. (the 5th) = still wont give in.
Funny at times, but dead serious the rest. Silly alone with.
Good mind.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
Background Values:-
Background- CLEAN.... No wrongs. Normal issues, nothing to concern. Culture- normal, adaptable.
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
Background- CLEAN.... No wrongs. Normal issues, nothing to concern. Culture- normal, adaptable.
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Associates Degree
College Attended :
Associates Degree
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Artist, Airbrush, Etched glass and woodworking.
I have many more hobbies.
I strive for the goal, no matter the outcome. Failure not an option. I do not give up til there is no possible way.
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000