windy8235 Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : LIfe is too short to worry about the small things. Concentrate on the best and deal with the rest.
Age : 75
Occupation : Retired
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Never
Smokes : Never
Gender : Female
Height : 5'3"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Christian
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
The glass is 1/2 full and I am still in the first 1/2 of my life.
About me and who I am looking for :
I was born and raised in a small town...I love the small town atmosphere and the people in it. I enjoy meeting new people and try to experience or learn something new each day. I tend to take a serious approach to life when needed but I take the time to relax when possible. I am fit...for my age and I try to eat healthy foods. I like to take long walks, have good talks, and quiet times. I like the out of doors and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. I like a good hug...a real hug and more. I enjoy reading books, going on road trips with friends to find bargains for renovations.
I am looking for someone who knows the value of friendship and takes the time to listen. I want to meet someone who is confident in himself, who can create things or work with his hands in some manner or other, caring for those around him and able to be as comfortable in slacks as he is in jeans.
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What I like to do for fun :
I like to visit with friends, watch small children think of and try to get into and out of trouble. I enjoy assisting in community service and spending time with family and friends.
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy all the time
About life style :
I like to eat simple meals with lots of fruit and vegetables, chicken, turkey or lean meets. I do not drink or smoke and enjoy fresh air year round. I have golfed in the past but have not gone recently. I have been told that I have "good mechanics." I like to walk for up to an hour taking in the scenery and watching nature. I am not a survivalist...can't see that happening for me. I will step aside when the big one comes. I am not a hunter/fighter but rather a lover.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I have never voted in a primary...sad but true. I do not feel that the whole county needs to know my political preferences. I am conservative in my beliefs but generally choose a person and his voting record above a part affiliation.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Bachelors Degree
College Attended :
Illinois College
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Annual Income :
USD Prefer not to say