tvdsoccer Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I'm new to online Datting, Originaly from Russian. live in Kennesaw. love it here.
Age : 38
Occupation : Student
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'10"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Christian
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
Hot looking with Russian accent, and much more
About me and who I am looking for :
Name : Taylor, Just recently my ex cheated on me for the last 4Th time. I can%u2019t believe some one can do that and yet to say, %u201CI%u2019m sorry, it did not mean anything, but I love you %u2026.. %u201D. No more!
Originaly from Russia, I'm new to this. Now just exploring! Ask me any question!
I Like : Soccer
I Like : B-Ball
I like: TV
I Like: Cars
I Like: Money
I Like: Food
I Like Comedy, and much more
Can%u2019t think of anything else!
Things i would like to accomplish:
- Finish, college
- get a great Corer
- get married
- Act in a movie
- Learn how to play an instrument
- learn to fly a Plain
- drive a NASCAR
- make 1 million at least for one year
- and
- and
- %u2026%u2026.
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What I like to do for fun :
well i do not know what to say..... well play ball, soccer, b-ball, tennes, hang out with my friend, and there is so much more. why don\'t you tell me about you
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
About once a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy sometimes
About life style :
Wow, i did not realize that this website is so thorrogh. i'm very bad with writting. to be honest i hate writting. very relaxed, gaol oriented, i really do not know what to say.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
English, Russian
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
My Name is Taylor and I was born in Cheboksarui, Russia on October 14, 1986. I lived there for five years with my family. I had one brother who is four years older than me and one sister who is two years younger than me. At the age of five, I lost my dad; he passed away.... Since that point my biological mom, my younger sister and I began traveling all over Russia as a homeless family, which some considered %u201CGypsy%u201D. We stayed in train stations, under bridges, in hay stacks and other places I don%u2019t care to remember. For food, I had to jump over fences into other people%u2019s gardens and take vegetables like: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots... just to stay alive. Some days we ate nothing. During the winter, I had to beg people for a place to stay each night on behalf of my mother and sister. This became my job because my mom didn't care enough about my sister or me to do anything else. All the things that I did, I tried to hide from my sister, to keep her from learning bad things. I wante
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Some College
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
I'm a student at at Kennesaw State University
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000