thame Reward Points

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,United States
Headline : know that every magazine caption is "what men want"and they believethat they can tell you what men want and I belive all that is a loadof crap because every man has different wants and needs. Ok a lot ofwomen are saying that they know what men want and that's betweenwomen's legs. However I might not be able to say what all men want,but I can say this man has five wants and here they are: I want tobe hugged a women who still enjoys being touched, I want to be in arelationship with a women who still belives in love, I want to makelove to someone with out taking my clothing off, I want a women to behonest and care about my feelings at the same time and last I want tobe with a women that I can give things and she still enjoy receivingthem. I told you what I want so now let me tell you what you willrecieve from me: A man that will hold you as long as it takes, manthat will respect you and awaite your embrace, an ear that listensuntill your finished and lastly a man that will make love to yourmind, and soul before I make love to your body. If your ready forthis I will a wait you message because this is what this man wants togive to you. Lastly One Group of Women please don't write back is the women with cuddy buddies, friend with benefits, or booty calls. These women are not players they are short changing themselves, so scared to be alone but thay are alone and confused. Please do not respone to this proposal if you are not ready to be one on one
Age : 59
Occupation :
Have Kids :
Want Kids :
Drinks :
Smokes :
Gender : Male
Height : 5'11"
Body Type :
Ethnicity : African-American
Religion :
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
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