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  sincereheart012 Reward Points
Username : sincereheart012 ( JACKSONVILLE ,Florida ,United States )
Headline : Looking for my knight in shinning armour
Age : 46
Occupation : Health care
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Never
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'6"
Body Type : Athletic
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Catholic
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About Me
Hair Color :
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I would describe myself as :
Looking for my knight in shinning armour
About me and who I am looking for :
Life's too short, so make the most of it! I'm a positive, confident, independent woman who enjoys the simple things in life. While the 'finer things' are nice some times, I admire a person more when they can see the beauty or worth in even the smallest thing, or can see the positive in any negative situation. I've worked hard for everything I have and appreciate that fact, and hope to find a man that's not intimidated by my independence. I work a lot of hours through the week, but I like to relax and have fun every chance I get! My family and friends are extremely important to me, and I hope to find a man who understands and respects the significance of strong family bonds. A good match for me is a man who is honest, open and intellectually and emotionally supportive. I don't care for drama, and make every attempt to steer clear of it. Life is too short to get caught up in the negativity! The best match for me would be a man that enjoys and appreciates music as much as I do :) I like a man who has a good sense of humor - The strongest relationships have to have a solid foundation of friendship and trust...I'm a firm believer in that, but they also need to have fun together whether it's getting dressed up for a night out on the town, relaxing at home, sitting around a campfire..or having a little 'adult fun'! This obviously doesn't sum up everything, but it's a start and hopefully won't take too long for anyone to read :) Don't be shy - IM me so we can chat and we can let fate decide where it goes. Everything happens for a reason :) Thanks for taking the time to read my profile

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What I like to do for fun :
I enjoy skiing, hiking and running. I enjoy going to Denver for sporting events and concerts. Remodeling my house. Hanging out with my two chocolate labs. Being with friends and family. I also enjoy fishing and hunting.
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
Several times a week or more
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than flashiness.. I am a person who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life. I would appreciate a person who has a good sense of who she is and a sense of direction about where she wants to be. I can appreciate a man who sees a woman as a friend and a partner....
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Ultra Conservative
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I was born in germany
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Graduate Degree
College Attended :
Florida state university
Medical Doctor
Occupation :
Health care
Occupation Description :
I'm a Medical Doctor and a world traveler
Annual Income :
USD 101,000-150,000