sgtkylem Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : Millitary Zone Scammers keep off !!!
Age : 61
Occupation :
Have Kids :
Want Kids :
Drinks :
Smokes :
Gender : Male
Height : 7'6"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : Native American
Religion :
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
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I would describe myself as :
I want to share life's simple pleasures and enjoy laughter and live life to the fullest .
About me and who I am looking for :
I am looking for a woman to have a committed relationship with me someone to build a family and stick together till death do us part, I truly believe that a thousand steps begins with one at a time and that communication is the most important thing of all in a relationship. I would want a woman who doesn't just look at the outside of a person but who looks inside of that person at their soul and there kindness and also the person's heart too. I am looking for a woman who is witty, authentic loyal and honest with a good heart ...and who wants to spend time with his woman with maybe a walk, nice dinner a lazy morning or simply do nothing, someone who believes in me and can take the lead when necessary, I am looking for my BEST FRIEND a compatible partner to build a long term relationship based on mutual love and honesty and respect and most of all communication.
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Background & Values
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Education & Career
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