nrj30 Reward Points
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,North Carolina
,United States
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Age : 51
Occupation : Unemployed
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Regularly
Gender : Male
Height : 5'9"
Body Type : Slender
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Anglican
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Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
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humorous, aggressive
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A few times a year
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Eats healthy most of the time
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word up witcha i hate myself and love telling you how cool you are.. this is my dollar bill.. fingerdabiggun' where everybody has a chance for a better tomorrow.. don't go there.. you've got to know gots ta know uuuh likes ta hoop chief youre a rassicist bastard.. now youre gonna get mad atchursef .. And fly around the galaxy for a long time .. gone dude, gone. it doeint ****ing fit **************** **** **** **** what all did you say. can't find a wayout.. nashville sucked replac stop dat was sum good me time.. me love youlongtime dont trip y'all ****ers whatever else if x$ = y$ then z$ = ~ a off yea it's only a long string of numbers, perhaps we might find some other place for these things. communication break down drive me insane ohwaa .. fat f.exe manual dump about 2 or so ... how many word up wichas did you edit ? to whomever this is there is no way out of speaking dialog this can only be the waves that will consume the future.. dandandandandandan it does sound like that.. so they may say "you know your sick don't you?" and i say sometimes i feel like telling the world things mostly when i'm angry. so where did this script reenactment cmoe from? or better yet where hve found from this to that other way down from being mystified let's leave ziz place .. what happened wwhat happened, you don't remember.. who can see the tty for what it is.. who else can do these thing for you if not I? you don't think i can bench press you do you.. y'all shoulda waited ... now think ... nowhich, it just goes crazy..what i put back there what was it? was it stupid? did it give you the warm fuzzies? maybe it could be something without writing or maybe whatever else sense mAKs of this .. they edit out the god damn **** as soon as you put it hey ya on the mule.. so wassa deal? data is corrupt on the way down.... dude these usage policy are stickter than what i'm use to.. what can you think dude? write the ****ing feed.. thats not a bad .. vat can you think to write of? aaaaannnnnyyyway werdupwatnecs i hear in the faint distance "you're crazy" do you have something to say? shall I? stop the bcc man? where dey was for five seconds, an eternity. you vagrant bastadchallapagas weird i canr .. not anymore miggs go tell me chachacha bia.. get it off there. okay wassadeal do you wanna feel that way? whenever i get to where i'm nothing from second to second which is what you aare having me say. hey that did work.. it's for talking to yosef and among other things wrecking yosef .. alright which ones would you get? the ones on top or the ones on bottom? nothing happen she dont use cheese whatdaya wanna it sounds like he's saying how does it feel like he's saying it don't work .. what else you want.. nobody's getting this
word up witcha i hate myself and love telling you how cool you are.. this is my dollar bill.. fingerdabiggun' where everybody has a chance for a better tomorrow.. don't go there.. you've got to know gots ta know uuuh likes ta hoop chief youre a rassicist bastard.. now youre gonna get mad atchursef .. And fly around the galaxy for a long time .. gone dude, gone. it doeint ****ing fit **************** **** **** **** what all did you say. can't find a wayout.. nashville sucked replac stop dat was sum good me time.. me love youlongtime dont trip y'all ****ers whatever else if x$ = y$ then z$ = ~ a off yea it's only a long string of numbers, perhaps we might find some other place for these things. communication break down drive me insane ohwaa .. fat f.exe manual dump about 2 or so ... how many word up wichas did you edit ? to whomever this is there is no way out of speaking dialog this can only be the waves that will consume the future.. dandandandandandan it does sound like that.. so they may say "you know your sick don't you?" and i say sometimes i feel like telling the world things mostly when i'm angry. so where did this script reenactment cmoe from? or better yet where hve found from this to that other way down from being mystified let's leave ziz place .. what happened wwhat happened, you don't remember.. who can see the tty for what it is.. who else can do these thing for you if not I? you don't think i can bench press you do you.. y'all shoulda waited ... now think ... nowhich, it just goes crazy..what i put back there what was it? was it stupid? did it give you the warm fuzzies? maybe it could be something without writing or maybe whatever else sense mAKs of this .. they edit out the god damn **** as soon as you put it hey ya on the mule.. so wassa deal? data is corrupt on the way down.... dude these usage policy are stickter than what i'm use to.. what can you think dude? write the ****ing feed.. thats not a bad .. vat can you think to write of? aaaaannnnnyyyway werdupwatnecs i hear in the faint distance "you're crazy" do you have something to say? shall I? stop the bcc man? where dey was for five seconds, an eternity. you vagrant bastadchallapagas weird i canr .. not anymore miggs go tell me chachacha bia.. get it off there. okay wassadeal do you wanna feel that way? whenever i get to where i'm nothing from second to second which is what you aare having me say. hey that did work.. it's for talking to yosef and among other things wrecking yosef .. alright which ones would you get? the ones on top or the ones on bottom? nothing happen she dont use cheese whatdaya wanna it sounds like he's saying how does it feel like he's saying it don't work .. what else you want.. nobody's getting this
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Some College
College Attended :
Some College
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Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000