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  mike012337 Reward Points
Username : mike012337 ( COLORADO SPRINGS ,Colorado ,United States )
Headline : Life is not every moment that you breath in but the moment that took your breath away....God Bless
Age : 62
Occupation : Military
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'8"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Catholic
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About Me
Hair Color :
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I would describe myself as :
Loneliness kills
About me and who I am looking for :
My name is Michael Wells, but the world knows me as "Mike" I am currently in Iraq, with a California National Guard, Infantry unit in a one year and six deployment. I am also a former US Marine infantryman, having served 8 active years with different infantry units, from Camp Pendleton, CA. (1st Batallion, 9th Marine Regiment, and 2nd Batallion, 1st Marine Regiment) and Camp Lejeune, NC (3rd Batallion, 6th Marine Regiment) I have been to many different places in the world, experienced many cultures, drank their beer, passed out in a topless beach in the Seychelles Islands. I am privileged to have served with highly professional individuals in the Marines, and the tradition continues now in the Army. Any other questions, please consult my agent, or drop me a line, and if it's not a matter of national security, I will answer to the best of my ability, so help me god! I am a fun loving, caring and gentle Man, with a great big heart. I am generally a little bit on the quiet/shy side. Im a happy, friendly cuddly Lonely Man who enjoys life. I have a low circle of friends for wining and dining, trips to the cinema or theater, walks on the beach or in the countryside and cozy nights in. I value honesty, fidelity and companionship but also need space to pursue my own interests. I see my self as intelligent, with a good sense of humor and I dont take myself too seriously. I am looking for the same qualities in a woman. Looks are not important - its the person inside that matters. . Great smile, captive eyes, good hygiene and usually well dressed (unless of course I am working around the house), well grounded, and I know that being sexy is a state of mind rather than ones appearance.. I absolutely love music and movies, and I have a wide and varied taste for both. God Bless The Ones We Lost In this Fight For Freedom...

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What I like to do for fun :
So many interests.... But really no time to do any of these things as I am holding down 2 jobs at the moment. When I do have the time I am normally busy Downloading sh*t off the net, playing Videogames or computer games, hitting the casinos and throw
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
Several times a week or more
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy all the time
About life style :
I don't drink, smoke, drugs or curse. The only thing is, I really do love to dance. There is a place where you can go dance without the drinking, smoking, cursing and all that going on. I like that. It's terrible that a lot of men curse and drink far worse than i could imagine.. I think a man should act like a man. I want to be respected for being a man. I like to act, dress and look like a guy.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
we can discuss that when we meet in person
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Less than high school
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
It sucks but i felt it is good to fight for another mans freedom which makes me an hero...
Annual Income :
USD 51,000-75,000