kelso1989 Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I need a lady that I can say, "She is all mine" Talk to me. I wont bite.... hard haha jk =)
Age : 35
Occupation : Labor
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'11"
Body Type : Athletic
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Christian
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
Funny, Awesome, Adventurous, Active, Caring, Respectful
About me and who I am looking for :
My name is Adam. I am 20. I have a 2 year old daughter who has my heart and so much more. If you can accept the fact about that, then click the x button in the upper right hand corner =). If not, then continue...
No, my daughter doesnt live with me. She lives with her mom in Nebraska. I talk to her almost everyday. There is no baby momma drama. Dont tell me that I am not taking care of my daughter, unless you want to see me mad. Yeah she might be thousands of miles away, but I bet I take better care of her then most other dads my age. I left nebraska cuz I was young and dumb, and I didnt want her to see her daddy in jail. Anyways.....
Im not the perfect guy either. I drink and im not 21 yet. I habe 7 tattoos, and plan on getting more. I sometimes swear like a sailor. But I am known to treat all girls like a princess. Doesnt matter if your not my gf or friend or a complete stranger. I will treat you the way that all woman deserve to be treated. I know what they do is hard at times. I always go help a older lady load up her groceries or help her across the street (yes, I really do do that haha). I am a huge momma's boy. Take me away from my momma and somebody will get hurt. Next subject...
I was living with my dad and step mom, but just recently, I moved to my Grandma and Grandpas house in Sun City. All I am gonna say is that one day, my step mom got mad at me for forgetting to change a light bulb (stupid huh) and she hit me in the face. So I called the cops and moved out and that was the last I heard from her. I guess when a lady acts like that, then I will back off and leave her alone. I am working for my dads handyman business, my grandpa's carpet cleaning business, and currently looking for another job. But I always find time to have fun. Oh im gonna say this. Drugs are a HUGE no no. Drugs ruined my family 12 years ago (details later), and im not gonna be around it ever. But I do drink, and can kick anybodys ass in beer pong haha. Any questions Message me
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What I like to do for fun :
I like to party, go out to the desert and ride quads, dirtbikes and sandrails, get tattoos, go to car shows and drool all over the old chevys lol (BOO FORD!!), doing anthing with a adrenaline rush, and just living life up. You only live once you know
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
My lifestyle? Im not sure. Its basically simple. I dont like expensive clothes that much. I am happy with a $14.99 pair of levi jeans haha. Not really. But I dont see why you would spend $100's for one outfit. Idk. But I like buying new electronics. I am also a cleaning freak lol. I am cleaning something everyday. I cant stand seeing a strand of hair in the sink. It drives me insane lol. I also do my own laundry =). Now how many guys do you know that can and does his own laundry without complaining. I love pampering my gf's lol. I love spoiling them. They should be the ones sitting on the couch with potato chips and sodas all over the coffee table, sitting in their pajamas all day and watching tv while the guy does everything around the house. As long as she cooks haha. All I can make is sloppy joes and mac & cheese haha. I can bbq though really good. Im learning how to smoke meat right now. You will be in heaven after you eat a steak that I bbq'd haha
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Prefer not to say
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
My backround aint pretty. I was actually a bad kid. I didnt graduate highschool. I was hanging out with the wrong group, and we started breaking into cars. Then it moved to houses, then construction sites, then businesses. I had a felony case on me for breaking into some houses under construction. Luckily I got dropped as a suspect as my tire treads on my car didnt match. Then my daughter was born (The day after my 18th birthday might I add. Then I made the decision and moved out here to get away from everything. Ever since then, I have not done anything illegal, except drink. I never been to jail, never assaulted anybody, none of that. I have a clean record, and plan on keeping that for the rest of my life. Im not scared to tell you about my past now. Cuz if I didnt, then we started talking and I told you. I would feel like a dick cuz you might of thought that I was all perfect, then I told you this and you would feel hurt. But nobody is perfect, but im trying my hardest to be
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Less than high school
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
I already told you yo
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000