jinnjedi Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I am just not a judgemental person. I believe everybody has a place in this world. I am very forgiving and understanding.
Age : 52
Occupation : Food Service
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Regularly
Gender : Male
Height : 5'6"
Body Type : Slender
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Christian
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
patient, optimistic
About me and who I am looking for :
I am just not a judgemental person. I believe everybody has a place in this world. I am very forgiving and understanding. I am an idiot when it comes to my heart. If a woman tells me the right things, I fall in love. I am gullible about women.
My other personality traits:-
I have an odd turn of mind which forces me to think on things most people would not. I have had no formal education beyond high school, but knowledge seems to accidentally fall into my head. It's as if I can read the thoughts of the whole world. When I figure something out, I want to tell the whole world. But, nobody will listen because I have no formal education. This doesn't make me mad. It just makes me wish I had money for college.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
I'm looking for somebody who does not want to commit to anything but has lots of experience in relationships. I need somebody to trust me enough to be honest with me and try not to play any games with me. I don't want anybody to trick me into believing they are somebody just to turn out to somebody else.
My other personality traits:-
I have an odd turn of mind which forces me to think on things most people would not. I have had no formal education beyond high school, but knowledge seems to accidentally fall into my head. It's as if I can read the thoughts of the whole world. When I figure something out, I want to tell the whole world. But, nobody will listen because I have no formal education. This doesn't make me mad. It just makes me wish I had money for college.
Your ideal partner and the qualities you are looking for:-
I'm looking for somebody who does not want to commit to anything but has lots of experience in relationships. I need somebody to trust me enough to be honest with me and try not to play any games with me. I don't want anybody to trick me into believing they are somebody just to turn out to somebody else.
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What I like to do for fun :
I have learned to not fall in love so easily and don't tell a woman you love her just because you do. Be careful whose heart you might break, chances are likely, it will be your own. Then, you'll be all alone in your apartment looking for people to talk to on the internet because you messed it up when you were younger and moved too fast in the wrong direction.
Activities I like :
Museums and Art
Exercise Habits :
A few times a year
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
I have an odd turn of mind which forces me to think on things most people would not. I have had no formal education beyond high school, but knowledge seems to accidentally fall into my head. It's as if I can read the thoughts of the whole world. When I figure something out, I want to tell the whole world. But, nobody will listen because I have no formal education. This doesn't make me mad. It just makes me wish I had money for college.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
Background Values:-
I have always been involved in serious relalationships all of my life. I don't want that right now. I fell in love with two wonderful women whom I married and had children with, but they didn't have the same
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
I have read the bible from front to back. I believe in Christ's message like no other, but I think most people have a funny idea of what his message is. Basically, I believe he was trying to say this, You are human, so you're going to sin. It doesn't matter what your sin is or how often you do it, God still loves you. He loves the biggest sinner as much as he loves the righteous. If you can love other people on this planet the same way God loves them, it makes everything go by alot smoother.
I have always been involved in serious relalationships all of my life. I don't want that right now. I fell in love with two wonderful women whom I married and had children with, but they didn't have the same
Religious/Spiritual Values:-
I have read the bible from front to back. I believe in Christ's message like no other, but I think most people have a funny idea of what his message is. Basically, I believe he was trying to say this, You are human, so you're going to sin. It doesn't matter what your sin is or how often you do it, God still loves you. He loves the biggest sinner as much as he loves the righteous. If you can love other people on this planet the same way God loves them, it makes everything go by alot smoother.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Associates Degree
College Attended :
Associates Degree
Occupation :
Food Service
Occupation Description :
I have been in the food service industry all my life. I have an ambition to become a published author. Whatever I do, I always make sure I'm the best there is at it.
Annual Income :
USD 26,000-35,000