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  backinthegame Reward Points
Username : backinthegame ( HOUSTON ,Texas ,United States )
Headline : Must be friends to have a "relationship"
Age : 51
Occupation : Other
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Never
Gender : Female
Height : 5'4"
Body Type : Athletic
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Christian
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About Me
Hair Color :
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I would describe myself as :
Outgoing, witty, fun loving, and compassionate woman slowly getting back to dating
About me and who I am looking for :
I am a very down to earth woman with a handsome 12 year old. He spends a lot of time with his dad so I do have free time to meet new people. I volunteer a lot with his Boy Scout Troop and have been involved with Scouting for the past 7 years. I really enjoy the camping and outdoor activities I get to join my son in doing. I also enjoy anything that makes me laugh. If you enjoy a good tickle fest or laughing together until the tears are flowing, then check that box as a match. I appreciate someone who knows how to use sarcasm properly. I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi so I love all water activities from racing Hobies (sailing) with my dad or relaxing by the pool. My family is not close by, but I see them as much as I can. If your are ever lucky enough to get to the point of meeting my friends, the will confirm I will drop whatever I am doing to be there for them when they need me. They will also describe me as loyal. trustworthy, compassionate and intelligent. I am interested in meeting someone that I enjoy talking to. Obviously there has to be an initial physical attraction, but we all know our appearance will change with time. Finding someone that I can grow an learn with on an emotional and mental level is essential. I want to meet someone who can stay home and be content but that likes go out to enjoy life outside of the home as well. If we were to go out for a drink / beer I like to go somewhere we could play pool or darts. I like to be doing something it usually helps with conversation starters and avoid awkward moments. I enjoy just about any activity if the company is good. I find it very attractive when a man can be creative with a date especially on a low budget because it is the thought he puts into it that matters. Don't get me wrong I love the finer things in life as well, but it is important to be content (happy) with what God is providing you with. A man with a strong personal relationship with God is a priority for me

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What I like to do for fun :
Fun happens where you want it to. I can have fun staying in or going out on the town. I am not a sit and relax kind of person if we are going out. Want to go for a drink or a beer be ready to play pool, shoot darts or even better dance.
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy sometimes
About life style :
I have a very calm lifestyle. That is why I am looking to make new friends. I need more excitement in my life. And there is a big difference between excitement and drama. I have already had enough drama for my lifetime. That is in my past and will stay there. Excitement can come in many ways... what way can you show me? BTW... the want more children question should not be yes or no. I will have to answer that all depends.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I come from a conservative background with strong morals and values. Work ethic was instilled in me at an early age, and it is sad to how many people out there don't have one or probably even heard of it.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Bachelors Degree
College Attended :
University of Southern Mississippi
B.S. - Major: Mathematics; Minor: Insurance
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Had a career as a commercial underwriter specializing in oil and gas. Then stayed home with my son and maintained the household as his father worked many hours. Working on returning to my old career due to the divorce.
Annual Income :
USD Prefer not to say