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  aimeeis Reward Points
Username : aimeeis ( HOUSTON ,Texas ,United States )
Headline : Want ONE good man
Age : 55
Occupation : Administrative/Secretarial
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Never
Gender : Female
Height : 5'4"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Non-Religious
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About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
I’m a good woman with a big heart and not judgmental
About me and who I am looking for :
I love movies, reading, eating out - I'm not really a club person but don't mind checking out the scene sometimes. I like all types of music depending on the place, the mood, or if something catches my ear. I love working out, not because I have issues with my body but because I love the way I feel after working out - I love to sweat. I am a VERY open-minded person and feel like everyone should be able to do what they want to do without being judged or criticized. It would be nice to hang out and have some fun and laugh with someone special. I want what most girls want - to be made to feel like the only girl in the world - Its the little things that someone does for me that are so very special. I am not a materialistic person and can take care of me. I don't need a man for financial reasons - I need a man that is honest and fun to be around. I am a ONE man woman and expect that my man would treat me the way I treat him.

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What I like to do for fun :
Working out, going to movies or watching movies at home having good conversation and laughing.
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy sometimes
About life style :
I am more of a homebody
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Prefer not to say
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I have lived in Texas for about 22 years but am originally from Louisiana, I took 2 years (2009-2011) and moved to Los Angeles with my youngest son (now 20) he loved it, me, not so much. I live alone in my own apartment, I have my own money, my own transportation. I am not a drug addict or do any drugs. I drink socially or have wine with dinner sometimes, I have never smoked cigarettes, I am not a materialist person and don't need a man to buy me stuff, well unless he insists ha ha I have worked since I was 18 years old and am never lazy and one of my weaknesses is that I will help anyone with anything - probably been taken advantage of more times than I care to mention but don't hold grudges and am slow to get mad. I am very clean and keep my house very nice and tidy.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Some College
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Annual Income :
USD Prefer not to say