VIRREAL Reward Points

Username :
,New York
,United States
Age : 58
Occupation : Self-Employed
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'8"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Prefer not to say
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
About me and who I am looking for :
I am a liminal being in a certain sense. I am all about concept to execution; as opposed to mindless yack yack yack...yada weeks blurrrr into the next with all of the intense real-time action of my work week......
I really appreciate the elegance of simplicity within solutions. I also entertain with words that express this fundamental principle. Socially speaking it important that we can have fun with words and information.
%u201CSimplicity is the ultimate sophistication.%u201D
- Leonardo da Vinci
I am mostly sane and self sufficient, have a great social life and a lovely bunch of friends. No bunnies on the boil in my gaff. I regularly engage in runs amounting to an average of 18 miles per week plus gym and my life has gone organic for the most really bad habits and baggage free for the most part...
I am so into hitting the Manhattan Citi streets after a long day weathering the stormy nacreous clouds of client strategy sessions.
"Life isn't about finding yourself- life is about creating yourself"
~ George Bernard Shaw
Everyone has a story to tell and perhaps some jokes meshed into the storyline. "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities. "
~ Dr. Seuss
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What I like to do for fun :
leave that for a conversation.....
Activities I like :
Current Affairs
Exercise Habits :
Several times a week or more
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy all the time
About life style :
I am into people who are passionate about life, say what they mean and mean what the say. I believe that one's own fate can be adjusted between certain potential outcomes as we are defined by our portfolio of decisions and underlying intents.
%u201CThe depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.%u201D
I am not judgmental as I wait for others to say or take action that allows me to get an impression as to who they really are as they are their best judge of character. I consider myself to be a very loyal and candid person with lots of empathy...I value sharing, especially a good story or joke... I frequent art galleries, my gym, live entertainment events, comedy clubs, billiards, biking, live theater, foreign films, loads of travel, hiking through rustic terrain perhaps checking out historic abandoned buildings and intimate gatherings with friends/family%u2026..
I have traveled globally. I am very astute at networking social vistas no matter the socio-economic or cultural bent.
If you do not see me blazing with my 8 or so mile jogging routine, I may be reading philosophy, psychology, interior design, politics, history, social affairs, legal, arts etc. books and other publications. I am somewhat creative in that I engage in creative writing (i.e. poetry, film as well as nonfiction), sculptor, painting i.e. oils, water colors. I am also very much into athletic pursuits. I am all about change for the better.
My lifestyle resides at the Golden Mean of Arts and Science, working in the applied Sciences by day so as to enjoy the Arts by nite.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Ultra progressive
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I am an iridescent artisan reminiscent of Pierre Bourdieu's commentary respecting the %u2018%u2018decline of the intellectual artisan in favor of the salaried worker%u2019%u2019(Bourdieu, Field of Cultural Production, p.130) in modernity. In other words, I work as a consultant in the arena of social and technology arbitrage. Seeking economic autonomy from "Main Street" allows me to be engaged in several social engineering projects and other life interests. I really enjoy the dynamic of understanding the truth within opposing views.
%u201CThere are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.%u201D
My lifestyle embodies elements of Antonio Gramsci's creed as his idyllic principles punctuate my daily life. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian philosopher, whose body of work suggests that "intellectual artisans" hold a unique social position in that the intellectual artisan-worker is in a better position to choose where her or his loyalties will be socially invested. In that sense, I have freedom to pursue evolving my life in a variety of meaningful ways.
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life%u201D
~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Of Men and Books," 1882
Even though I adhere to the adage "we are what we eat", I truly believe that this is not as true as we are what we learn and this defines who we are, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read & write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, & relearn".
~ Alvin Toffler, "Rethinking the Future".
To that end, I do not judge others but I believe that they do a pretty good job by themselves as to showing their true colors...Life is an odyssey of sorts... "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.%u201D
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Graduate Degree
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
I am an iridescent artisan reminiscent of Pierre Bourdieu's commentary respecting the %u2018%u2018decline of the intellectual artisan in favor of the salaried worker%u2019%u2019(Bourdieu, Field of Cultural Production, p.130) in modernity. In other words, I work as a consultant in the arena of social and technology arbitrage. Seeking economic autonomy from "Main Street" allows me to be engaged in several social engineering projects and other life interests. I really enjoy the dynamic of understanding the truth within opposing views.
%u201CThere are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.%u201D
My lifestyle embodies elements of Antonio Gramsci's creed as his idyllic principles punctuate my daily life. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian philosopher, whose body of work suggests that "intellectual artisans" hold a unique social position in that the intellectual artisan-worker is in a better position to choose where her or his loyalties will be socially invested. In that sense, I have freedom to pursue evolving my life in a variety of meaningful ways.
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life%u201D
~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Of Men and Books," 1882
Even though I adhere to the adage "we are what we eat", I truly believe that this is not as true as we are what we learn and this defines who we are, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read & write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, & relearn".
~ Alvin Toffler, "Rethinking the Future".
To that end, I do not judge others but I believe that they do a pretty good job by themselves as to showing their true colors...Life is an odyssey of sorts... "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.%u201D
Life has evolved into a game aided by technology. The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said:
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
"The chess board is the world.
The pieces with which we play are the natural phenomena of the universe into which we have been placed, and the game, like life itself, is governed by a set of rules; %u2018the Laws of Nature%u2019.
We assume that we play white; that we make the first move, but we cannot be sure because our opponent, whoever He
may be, is permanently hidden from view. And whilst we are aware that play, forced to reside within the rules, is always
fair, just and patient, we must never forget that He will never overlook a mistake or make even the smallest allowance for our inherent ignorances.
And in life, as in chess, retreat is usually nothing more than a carefully concealed preparation for attack....."
Annual Income :
USD More than 151,000