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Username : LoveEqualsChaos ( EL DORADO ,Arkansas ,United States )
Headline : Hey!!! The name is Samantha. Most call me Sam or Sami :) I'm new to the single world && someone told me to try the online thing. So here I am! I'm not having any luck tho. Starting to think this is a big joke or something. I've never been good at the whole writing about myself thing, but I'll give it a try. I'm 25 && I live in Sucky Ass South Arkansas! I don't know how in the hell I ended up here, but I guess thats just the way it goes sometimes. I have blue eyes && my hair changes color from time to time. At the moment its Burgandy. I consider myself to be a very unique person && a very big smartass!! I pride myself on being different. Normal is Boring! I love anything a normal person would consider Crazy or Outrageous. I live my life to the fullest, but can also slow down at times && enjoy just sittin at home cuddled up on the couch watchin a movie. I love fast cars && motorcycles. I also love muddin, enjoy working on cars && love camping. So, I don't mind gettin dirty :) Gimme a dirt road or a bon fire && I'm in heaven. I'm Definately a country girl, but enjoy the city life at times. I have kids that are my world. I spend alot of time with them. If you have kids, thats perfectly fine with me. I love kids :) I appreciate the little things in life && do whatever I can to be happy. I've worked hard for what I have && work harder for what I want. I do have some very random moments :) I get bored easily && Im very hyper-active at times. I love to laugh && smile even if that means laughing at myself :) I like to dance && sing even when there is no music. I'm sure I look like a fool doing it, but O well :)I love taking pictures of anything && everything! So be prepared! I love to travel. I'm more of a Jeans and T-shirt kinda girl, but I know how to dress to impress if needed. I like to talk alot, more than the average person. I hate the akward silences. I'm big into tattoos && piercings. I currently don't have any tattoos yet, only because I'm not completely sure what I want or where I want it. I do have piercings tho. As you can see if you seen my pics (of course you seen them, isn't that the first thing you look at) I'm not much of a planner. More spur of the moment. Sometimes its more fun not to know whats gonna happen next. Plus plans can be broken. Well I hope you enjoyed reading about me. (if you even read this) I also have facebook && myspace. If you have any questions, wanna know more, or just wanna say
Age : 40
Occupation :
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks :
Smokes :
Gender : Female
Height : 5'5"
Body Type :
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion :
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Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?

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About Me
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Background & Values
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Education & Career
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