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Username : KindOfANiceGuy ( PLEASANTON ,California ,United States )
Headline : Wait, so, who's doing what now?
Age : 34
Occupation : Manufacturing
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Occasionally
Gender : Male
Height : 5'4"
Body Type : Athletic
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Non-Religious
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"keep your money for the date"
Dating and Relationship Advice

Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?

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About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
Witty, good looking, and understanding. Just, like, unreasonably humble. I'm a nice guy. Kind of.
About me and who I am looking for :
What do I look for in a girl? Here's some stuff. You're comfortable dating a guy who's not tall. You're comfortable with yourself. You're quick-minded and witty. Clever people are my favorite people. You're not one of those "generically pretty" girls. I mean, don't get me wrong, physical attractiveness is fairly important to me, but if you're one of those girls with a duck face photo, or you're lookin' for some cowboy or gangsta to come sweep you off your feet and treat you like a princess, then you've definitely clicked on the wrong profile. Good luck and all, but GTFO. You have glasses. I have a thing for nerdy girls with glasses. You don't have glasses. I have a thing for nerdy girls without glasses. You don't mind camping/hiking/etc. I really wish I did more stuff like that, but I never do :( You're not easily offended. I can be a jerk sometimes. You know the difference between "you're" and "your", "two", "too", and "to", "their", "they're", and "there", and "where", "we're", and "were". Also, "it's" and "its". Oh, also if your username is clever. I invariably check out profiles of people with clever usernames. If you want to meet me, maybe we can do one or all of these things (or also just some of them. There's some middle ground there.): Go to the movies. Smoke Spiderman's girlfriend. Steal a penguin from the nearest zoo. Have good sex. Make something that explodes, and then explode that thing. Get food. Have bad sex. It's whatever you're into; I don't judge. Go for coffee and just talk. Some other, different thing that was not listed here.

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What I like to do for fun :
I do all kinds of things. Honestly, just ask me about them if you\'re curious. Just know that I\'m probably nerdier than you. Probably.
Activities I like :
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy sometimes
About life style :
I'm just your average 22 year old. I've never been a health nut, but I don't treat my body too poorly, I think. I'm somehow still in okay shape despite half-assing all the exercise I do, which is that much. I'd like to get in better shape, I just need the time. Or maybe the motivation. At least one of those things. I think hygiene is important, especially if you're looking to date. I mean, you don't have to be the Michael Phelps of washing your face, but I brush my teeth at least once a day, I shower in the mornings, and I try not to smell or look like a hobo. I'd expect you to, as well.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
English, Other
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Between Conservative and Progressive
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
Like I said, I'm just your average 22 year old. Born and raised here in California. Lived most of my life in the east bay. Went to school for three years in Ohio, but money got tight so I had to move back here. Right now I'm working in the warehouse of a small company called Xradia, and I'm also trying to get a more full time job at a printing company in Fremont. My friend and I hope to be moving into an apartment within the next couple of months, so I'll have my own place soon. I'm smart. I'm funny. I'm interesting. I'm all around just pretty awesome. Oh, and humble, too. I know I sound like a total nerd, but that's fine, 'cause I am one. I play all kinds of video games, I'm into comics (Batman & Spiderman = top tier badass mothafuckas. Ggwpgtfo.), I play D&D, all that wonderful nerdy stuff. But don't get me wrong. I know how to get shitty.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Some College
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
I work at a small, multi-million dollar international business called Xradia. Xradia is, I think, the leading developer of X-Ray Microscopy (XRM) devices and techniques. My official title is "Warehouse Technician", but really I'm more like "That Guy Who Picks Things Up And Puts Them Down Next To Other Things". It's not a bad job, and everyone I work with is pretty awesome. I get a lot of freedom, as long as I get my job done, which I do. I basically just pull items for the engineers to assemble on the manufacturing floor (everything's run out of one building), take inventory of the parts in the warehouse, and other odd jobs for whomever needs them done.
Annual Income :
USD 26,000-35,000