Kanday Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : When he finds me- he'll know it...
Age : 48
Occupation : Self-Employed
Have Kids : Yes
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Occasionally
Smokes : Occasionally
Gender : Female
Height : 5'3"
Body Type : Thin
Ethnicity : Multi
Religion : Believes in God
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
stong willed, supportive, down to earth, corny sense of humor, stubborn, loving, caring, ready to take it to the next level
About me and who I am looking for :
Well, I'm one smart cookie who is still willing to learn and experience love, life and laughter! I love writing, singing, and designing abstract/surreal art. I love live music and jazzy secluded spots. I perform open mic and am currently working on a few books for the new year. I love rainy days and cloudy skies, as long as I'm with that someone special. Laughing and loving are a huge part of me, so I try to incorporate it in my life on the daily! I love cooking and teaching about natural health and helping people in any way I can.
I live and love through my naturally sensual nature and I'm very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met.
I adore exchanging positive energy with others that I can both learn from and teach. Full of ideas and I love intellectual conversation- but a great joke isn't so bad either! My journey and those around me the I come into contact with will surely see that I 'm a supportive, straight forward and not easily knocked off focus. I'm definitely someone that is rare- and I offer to open up the books and share myself with you.
I'm creative and I love sharing with those of like minds- single now, but hoping to meet someone cool and laid back to share my spare time with. I'm outgoing- but I don't pass up a chance to be private and personal- I like one-on-one times better. So, this person must be open minded and experimental. Definitely mature and easy going. I'm a sucker for romance and quiet times, I prefer those over all else- so they must like to cuddle and connect.
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What I like to do for fun :
writing, singing, and designing abstract/surreal art. i love live music and jazzy secluded spots- just living and laughing, so i\'m pretty much versatile and ready to try new things
Activities I like :
Performing Arts
Exercise Habits :
A couple times a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
i don't believe in taboos or accidents, everything happens for a reason, and i let things BE- once i set out to have something accomplished, its done already before i put my hands in it cause i work thru a faith system that is just like a reflex- closely resembling drinking and breathing- you can't live without either, and i feel that way about my faith. i pray, meditate, give alot of my free time to my community and family because im in full knowledge of my job to raise a stronger future despite the foretold stories of weaknesses and wisedom. alot of people feel odd around me, and it takes a rare breed to even keep up, cause my views are on a level that most people don't think about AT ALL- and i look at things at least a four or more ways before venturing out- testing and noting my pro's and con's to all situations. i do this quickly, cause i have to stay ahead of the game and always determine what the other person is going to say or do.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Between Conservative and Progressive
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
Im the reverse of a military brat- never had anything easy, was taught well by my parents how to take care of myself and my home, so being a wife and taking care of my children and household along with my career seems impossible to some, but its easy as pie to me.
I'm serious about living life, and I chose to look at my connection with people and everything else in my life like this: If I cannot be an asset, enhancement or an important person in your life at any and almost all given times, then i won't waste your time or mine. We are all entitled to happiness, and I won't jeopardize yours because i sure as hell won't let anyone kill my joy. I'm protective, and am a for real go- getta type female.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Associates Degree
College Attended :
Various in Florida
Further discussions
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
my hobbies are my occupation
Annual Income :
USD Prefer not to say