CoolDvilAzn Reward Points

Username :
,United States
Headline : I love doing simple things even though it may not be fun to others. Im more of the indoor type of guy thats spontanous when s
Age : 39
Occupation : Other
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : No
Drinks : Socially
Smokes : Never
Gender : Male
Height : 5'5"
Body Type : Medium Build
Ethnicity : Asian
Religion : Non-Religious
Dating and Relationship Advice
Has our society become a nation of consumers and less creators?
About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
Goofball, Dork, Still lovable
About me and who I am looking for :
Wow...well you ask for it. And its probably a LONG list:
I like a woman who is positive, content with her life (no matter what predictiment.), upbeat and just a blast to be around. A genuine person without a bitch bone in her body. I love it when shes always happy to see me to which I find myself looking forward in spending time with her.
A true feminist. No, I dont mean one of those radical man-haters, or the hypocrital pseudo-feminists who think that equality means "I demand equal rights and an equal salary, but a man still has to pay for me." I mean the ones who genuinely like men, and understand that equality means equality across the board. From holding the door open to fighting on the front lines. It should be a 50/50 partnership and more then willing to shoulder the other half cause its the right thing to do.
This maybe rare to ask for, but I love a free spirit who's actually honest about her sex drive. Someone who bypassed the female societal training of auctioning off the use of her vagina to the highiest bidder. She's not selling it or use it as a tool to manipulate men. Just naturally craves it.
I like to have that moment when I could spend just five minutes with her and think Ive known her for years. Always by my side, laughs at my retarded jokes and just calls me just to say "Hi." because she just misses me.
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What I like to do for fun :
I do like the occasional clubs around here in Vegas and I do drink socially. But thats just on special occasions. I generally am a simple guy where just going to see a movie or playing pool at my local bar is enough.
Activities I like :
Video Games
Exercise Habits :
Several times a week or more
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
Im in too much at work cause I generally dont have a social life outside of it. Its rare for me to meet anyone cause im more of a homebody kind of person.
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Between Conservative and Progressive
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I value most are friends and family.
My parents are from Cambodia, so it took alot of sacrifices for them to be here in the States where I was born which is why im so gratful for being that lucky. I generally now am working for Security at a casino resort and looking into getting into some type of law enforcement careers as a dream job.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
High School
College Attended :
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
Security Officer for a Casino resort in Downtown Las Vegas. I usually keep everyone who gets out of line back into it...or out on thier butt. =D
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000