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  Ashley2306 Reward Points
Username : Ashley2306 ( SOMERSET ,Massachusetts ,United States )
Headline : Looking For The One :) Make me feel like I'm the only girl alive for you
Age : 38
Occupation : Other
Have Kids : No
Want Kids : Yes
Drinks : Never
Smokes : Never
Gender : Female
Height : 5'4"
Body Type : Medium Build
Ethnicity : White/Caucasian
Religion : Catholic
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About Me
Hair Color :
Eye Color :
I would describe myself as :
Responsible, Friendly, Denpendable, Trustworthy, Honest, Funny,
About me and who I am looking for :
I am looking for someone who is trustworthy, has a sense of humor, is loyal, likes to have fun, but also knows when to be serious. Trust is a huge thing with me and I need to be able to trust someone to have any type of relationship with. Someone who is my best friend.

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What I like to do for fun :
I like to watch sports (Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots). Music is a big part of my life, I am almost always listening to music.I do enjoy being outside, either going for a walk or just sitting outside by a fire. Hanging out with friends, going out to eat
Activities I like :
Watching Sports
Exercise Habits :
About once a week
Eating Habits :
Eats healthy most of the time
About life style :
For exercise, I do either the Wii Fit, the tredmill and when it is nice out take a walk around the neighborhood. I am not a big drinker at all, never have been. I will sometimes have a drink, depends on what it is. I do watch what I eat, most of the time, I love eating fruit, one of the reasons why I love the spring and summer time!
Background & Values
Languages I speak :
Siblings :
Political Standpoint :
Between Conservative and Progressive
Born Reverted :
Background Values :
I am Cathloic, I am not a very religious person, I really only go to church on major holidays.
Education & Career
Highest Level of Education :
Bachelors Degree
College Attended :
I attended Bristol Community College and Roger Williams University.
I have my Associates Degree in Comunication and my Bachelors Degree in Communication/Public Relations.
Occupation :
Occupation Description :
I am currently working in a day care, in the infant room with babies ages range from weeks old to 18 months. I also work for Radio Disney as part of their road crew, which basically means that I get paid to put on events in MA and RI, play games with kids, dance and give out prizes. It is a lot of fun being able to make a kids day by getting a prize from Disney. Not to mention that we get awesome discounts ;) I also have another part time job at FUN 107 where I am a Promotions Assistant. It is hard work working three jobs, but I am hope to get more hours with FUN 107, which is what I went to school for, and if that happens I will be leaving the day care and just work the two radio stations.
Annual Income :
USD Less than 25,000