Your photo says a thousand words
The photo in the online dating scene is probably the single most important item that motivates an individual to contact another member.
However, photos can be deceptive and also unflattering for the individual, and it depends on many factors.
Most pictures are taken by our ubiquitous digital camera and pictures can come out under or over exposed.
The actual digital image can look very different to the person in real.
It’s very important that you take pictures that look good.
If you are not very good with the camera, get someone who can.
Take a picture during daylight and avoid flash photographs unless you have a high end camera.
Wear something casual that accentuates your face and head.
Take picture up to the waist level so the face is clearly visible.
Avoid too much makeup. Check with your friends and relatives as to what they think of the picture.
Make sure the picture you upload to the website is of the correct size.
Try to download and view it on your desktop because this is what the other member is going to be looking at.
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