The Adventure Comedy with Animation: Rango
Movie: Rango
Year: 2011
Genre: Animation/Adventure
Director: Gore Verbinski
Stars: Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher and Timothy Olyphant
Snapshot of Story:
Rango is about a chameleon who has ambitions to be a great star and has his wish come true when he is thrown off the back of a pickup truck.
Rango is a chameleon and dreams of becoming a star and then suddenly finds himself in the wilderness where his adventure begins. An amusing part of the movie is when the singing mariachi owls would appear from time to time to narrate the story.
Rango finds himself in a remote western town called ‘Dirt’ far from civilization and becomes the towns sheriff only to discover that the town’s water supply is almost dry. He goes about seeking the answers which has put the townsfolk under terrible duress all this time and tries to find a solution.
In his search Rango meets the Mayor of the town and suspects right away that something more is going on behind the scenes. He meets one of the hoodlums working for the mayor called rattlesnake Jake and also battles with the bird that terrorizes the town. When Rango is able to defeat the bird, the whole townsfolk rejoices and treat him like a Savior.
Rango ultimately prevails and his shortcoming are no match for his quick witted thinking and is soon able to unravel the town’s mystery and free everyone from the dreadlock.
Final Thoughts:
Rango is a very interesting animation in that it has some obvious complexity in its dialogue which requires more of an adult understanding. Despite this, the movie appeals well to the younger audience as well as having the entertainment quality demanded by adults. The complex characters appear dis-jointed at first but come together in the movie to make it a very enjoyable family watch.
Tags: Isla Fisher, Johnny Depp, Movie reviews and ratings of Rango, The Adventure Comedy with Animation: Rango, Timothy Olyphant
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