The ‘Happiness Factor’ in Dating
Have you ever thought about the frequency of dates you are having with your dating partner? This could have much bearing on your relationship and give you deep insights into your partner’s thoughts and values. Prior to the dates you were most likely a singleton with tons of time in your hands and now all of a sudden you are pulled into a whirlwind of romantic dates.
Most of us will not consider the sudden transition that often takes place especially if the partner you are dating is to your liking and looks like long-term potential. You may argue that this could be in some ways good or bad but the fact is that we have a strict ‘happiness factor’ in our lives that moves us in certain directions. The problem is that along with the high ‘happiness factor’ we could also land with a thud when something in the future goes out of tune or whack and when we are least prepared.
Again, the question is can we always rely on our basic instincts and judgements to carry us forwards or should we be aware of the rapid changes that is happening all around us. It is a good question and one that needs careful thought since the ‘happiness factor’ is at play here. The irony of this issue is that the ‘happiness factor’ can often be in conflict with your sensory perceptions of instinct that is used for survival factors. It is probably the main culprit in our conflicting opinions and views when it comes to gender differences (please read our previous post on this hot topic).
Without being too serious and making your day a dull one, lets end the post on a happy note. The ‘happiness factor’ is a prime driving force in all of us, but just remember that in the same way when you step onto the road and suddenly a car blasts past you, your instinct takes over and saves your life. Your instincts will be a better judge of steering you through the maze of dangers and pitfalls and to keep and maintain your ‘happiness factor’ at an elevated high.
Tags: dating partner, gender differences, long-term potential, relationship, romantic dates, The ‘Happiness Factor’ in Dating