Tall Women Dating Shorter Men - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Post Subject: Tall Women Dating Shorter Men
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
I came across this new meetup happening in Menolo Park, CA where a woman started a new meetup group to discuss the ‘complications’ of dating shorter man primarily because she just recently started dating a shorter man.
There seems to be some interest from some of the members because it sparks an aged long debate of the battle of the sexes and gender stereotyping. One comment from an experienced man who dated taller women had this to say..
“Hi, I have dated taller women on numerous occasions. Just wanted to say something to you. What you are dealing with are the chauvinistic belief constructs. All the negative beliefs about what a man “should be”, what a woman “should be”. Taught by”
Check it out and see if you should start something like this in your area.
Here are some interesting sites on this subject;
Tags: dating tall men, dating tall women, short men dating, tall women dating
I was reading your blog, and I had to write about my experiences in trying to meet and date tall girls, so as to offer a shorter male’s point of view.
When I was 24, I met a divorced woman, 32 who was 5’11â€. I am 5’8â€. It was a brief affair, but I just could not get over her long legs and curvy broad hips. She possessed a tapered waist which only accented her curvy hips ever further. Because of her, I developed an appreciation for long legs and the natural curvy hips of a tall woman.
I moved into a singles apartment complex in Houston. In this apartment complex, there was a loose knit group of men and women. In this group was Heidi, 5’11â€, early 20’s, blonde hair, blue eyes and attractive. I remember one time she was standing before me at the complex pool, while I was sitting in a chair. She was wearing a white 2 piece bikini. I looked up through her long tanned legs to those broad hips, and my memories came back. In the few times we talked, she never expressed any interest in me, so that was that.
One Saturday, during the summer while at another pool in the same complex, I was chill’en with 2 or 3 other guys, when another man I knew walked up to us and mentioned that he had proposed to Heidi. She had turned him down, and he wanted anyone in the group who knew her, to put a good word in with her for him. To say the least, we were all stunned that a guy would say this to a group of acquaintances. A few months later, while at my pool, I overheard two girls talking about Heidi turning down two other men. I do not know if these girls were talking out of envy or were mocking the two men, but this showed that Heidi was getting the attention of men. (Fast forward 12 years, one child and one divorce later.) A friend of mine wanted me to join a singles dating organization. I said before I join, I want to see what some of the girls in the organization looked like. He obtained about 20 biographies with photos of the women. It must have been photo 8 or 9, but there was Heidi. Her name appeared on the top of the page, with her photo below and two paragraphs about her life. I remember this one phrase, 34 years old, never married, no children.
I thought, how could this be? If she were not the most desirable girl in a social gathering, she certainly was one of the more desirable girls. Three men offered to marry her, and there must have been more. This made me wonder how many other women had squandered their youth and fertility because unrealistic qualification required of the man, height, body etc.
I am now married, with sons 11, 7 and 3 along with a son 22 from my first marriage. I am a good father and husband. I give my boys attention and time. They have electric motorcycles, pedal carts, bikes and all sorts of video games. I have traveled to 22 counties and 20-30 states across the US. I have 3 degrees, and I have co-authored a US patent. I have made over 6 figures for 10 plus years. I wanted a taller girl because of the physical turn on and to for fill one of my desires, yet not one single tall girl (20’s) gave me a chance. I was turned down consistently and without a second thought.
So, if you find yourself in your late 20’s or early 30’s with no prospect of a husband or children in the immediate future, you have no one to blame but yourself, just as Heidi discovered. There were men like me, who wanted a leggy female, but they, like me, were never accorded the opportunity. So my advice would be to accept the advances of men and get to know them. Throw away the yardstick, for you may find someone like me, who would love to share his life and love with a tall girl.