Posts Tagged ‘writing dating profiles’
Spell-check leads to love online - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011
Article Subject: Spell-check leads to love online
Article Link:
Article Rating: 3.0 (out of 5)
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
This kind of posts seems to be coming up time and time again emphasizing the importance of proper grammar, spelling errors, use of abbreviations and things like that.
If you have read some of my previous posts not directly related to this subject, you will see that the improper usage of the English language can have a negative effect on the part of the reader. Here are my tips for improving in this area where you can write great profiles and maintaining good communication that will have more appeal with your fellow readers. We all want this because its going to get us more dates!
Firstly, it is important to understand that no one has perfect command of the English language with perfect grammar and mistakes are made all the time. In fact, I make the common mistakes such as typing ‘recepient’ instead of the correct spelling ‘recipient’.
The good thing about our online browsers today is that it has a built-in spell detector which you may have noticed when you type a word, it underlines it in red if it has detected a spelling error in that word. I can see the word above ‘recepient’ appearing with a red underline as I write this post in Wordpress. You should pay attention to this and correct it right away, especially if it looks blatant. If you are unable to find the correctly spelt word, just go to Google and copy that word and Google will give you suggestions, its that easy!
However, I noticed that sometimes the built-in spell checkers for browsers does not detect errors such as the case here when I misspelt ‘maintaining’ with ‘maintaing’ which was not detected by a red underline. When I scanned back to that sentence, that is how I spotted it.
The best way to ensure complete accuracy of your writing is to feed it through a dedicated word processor such as MS Word and even some of the online applications such as Google word document. By the way, I am not trying to advocate Google’s products or services, I just think that they have very good tools available to the average Joe like you and me and it is freely available.
Here is another tip that will definitely improve your writing a great deal and this is to write and write about anything that interests you. In this way, you will get used to thinking about the proper structuring of sentences, use of words, typo errors and they instinctively improve your writing style over time.
Tags: english grammar, good writing style, spelling mistakes, writing dating profiles
Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - Want to Be an Online-Dating Gold Digger?
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Article Subject: Want to Be an Online-Dating Gold Digger?
Article Link:
Article Rating: 3.5 (out of 5)
Website: none
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
The title of this article is not fitting to the content of this article. It should be more like “How to create the perfect profile to attract the must-have men out there”. Nevertheless, the article does make several good points especially to people who want to improve their chances in the online dating world.
It focuses initially on the female profiles where the needs of a woman may come often come across differently than the online profile suggests. The writer recommends to be honest and use creative ways to express yourself instead of rambling on about what you want in the other partner. For example, talk about action items such as “planning a bicycle trip, writing a book and redecorating my living room.” Also, “I’m a good friend and a good listener and right now I have a friend going out of town and I’m dog-sitting for her poodle,” Action items are what men usually look for and if woman want a man who is wealthy and ambitious, they should reflect some of that in their nature.
For men, an ideal profile would be more verbiage since women like to know that the man has more substance.
Ironically, the message seems to be that women should write more bullet points whereas men should put more verbiage against their profile.
Tags: female dating profile, male dating profile, writing dating profiles