Posts Tagged ‘online dating success’
Secret formula to success in online dating - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - 6
Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Article Subject: Secret formula to success in online dating - cont.
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
The purpose of a business entity is several folds but at the end of the day it is to make money and be profitable so that it can sustain growth, pay it’s employees and so forth.
In order to flourish and grow in a competitive market such as today, businesses need to realign their strategies for marketing, sales, product & services development and enhancement. It also needs to address it’s customers who are essential for their survival, without serving their interests and needs the business will go on a tangential path and will be doomed to failure.
The basic tenants of the functions of the business and it’s continued lifecycle in operation, maintenance and growth are exactly the correlation required for the individual to succeed in the online dating game. The analogy could not be any better….
Tags: dating advise help, formula success dating, online dating success, secret online dating, succeed online personals
Secret formula to success in online dating - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - 4
Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Article Subject: Secret formula to success in online dating - cont.
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
The ‘holding onto’, that I mentioned in my previous post, as is applied to this case of success in online dating is in fact a complete and direct analogy in an area that most of us are already familiar with. If you are not, then the subject matter has been widely studied and many resources available for people to come up to speed. The subject matter that I am talking about is successful business and the reasons for their success.
The area of business is such a crucial component to our everyday living that many of us forget sometimes why businesses flourish and how they grow to be so successful. If you take the evidence of everything that makes a business successful then you have all the answers to being successful in online dating.
Of course, I am not just going to leave it at that. In the next section, I will talk more on this analogy and how it equates very well to the online dating scene. You will be in for a big surprise, read on…
Tags: analogy of dating, online dating success, secret formula dating, singles personals dating
Secret formula to success in online dating - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - 2
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Article Subject: Success in online dating is very similar to how businesses are run - introduction cont.
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Continuing from what I was saying earlier, I immediately realized that the issues faced by men were in fact very personal to them and because they were not astute to ways they should conduct themselves on the online dating site, they became extremely frustrated.
While a very few men actually succeeded in getting favorable responses in the online dating scene, they were not able to convey the succinct information necessary to put the frustrated men at ease and give them new hope and inspiration.
Equally, a majority of the women knew what was expected from men when it came to messaging, however, no one in their group could also pin-point exactly or give reasonable answers to overcome their deep frustrations.
It became increasingly clear to me where the problems lay and I believe I have come up with some insightful answers that will shed light to this chasm which has eluded many of the men from succeeding in the online dating game.
Tags: online dating success, secrets improving dating, secrets online dating, singles personals dating
Secret formula to success in online dating - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Article Subject: Success in online dating is very similar to how businesses are run
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
I was reading intently many of the comments posted in one of OkCupid’s pages called “Exactly What To Say In A First Message” and I couldn’t help thinking how very similar it is to running a successful business.
It struck me that most of the comments were very personal opinions on the subject of getting responses from other members of the dating sites. The men were very negative on how they perceived their messages to be ‘ignored’, ‘rejected’ or ‘not read’ while women generally said the same thing about how to write good messages that can potentially lead to responses. However, nobody offered any singular response that made complete sense since they were all just expressing their own experiences and views.
Tags: dating secrets revealed, online dating success, online singles personals, secrets online dating