Posts Tagged ‘nyc dating’
Troubles for NYC Single Mom Dating
Saturday, April 27th, 2013
Being a single mom, life is too tough and as the daily life become more demanding in the recent few years, it has become a challenge to manage kids, work and household needs. Single moms have to play the role of mother and father. However, one thing that is completely ignored is the emotional support from someone special which is needed. While taking walks the most exciting and yet challenging journey called life needs addressing.
Being a single mom in NYC can be difficult. NYC is the most populated city in the USA and inflation stats shows that there is no respite for NYC single moms.
Here are obvious reasons why NYC single moms find dating a bit difficult than others
• Being most populated cities in the USA, these single moms have to ensure that they work hard and sometimes late in the office to ensure they draw a good salary. In the process they tend to ignore their personal life as their happiness is now directly related to their children’s progress and happiness.
• The sex ratio of NYC is also a bit uneven. There aren’t enough men for these single moms. NYC has about 53% of women who are singles and 47% of single men [Resource] [resource]. This makes men a hot commodity and makes the single moms think twice before getting serious about any relationship.
• Fear of un-acceptance of children is something that every single mom faces when she wants to introduce their dating partner to their children. Children tend to oppose this new binding as they feel that their love is now shared with a complete stranger. Few adapt quickly and some take time but, there are some who never accept this and can ruin the mom and child relationship.
• The problem is with men too – While reading the heated debate of top free dating site forum the attitude of men shows that they are not willing to take the responsibility of children but, some are prepared to. However, what was shocking to read is that they actually like single moms as their connections with children are healthy and they are often more mature than other women without children.
There are times when single moms have to make that extra step to fulfill the role of a father and can end up disappointing themselves. At times these can be very small issues which a father will do without even making the extra effort.
Tell us what you think why NYC single women have a tough dating life.
Tags: nyc dating, single mom