Posts Tagged ‘My Current Dating Strategy’
Improve your dating life socialize on free dating and networking sites - Part 2
Monday, October 1st, 2012
In the above table that you have created add headers in one column ‘Dating & Social Sites’, ‘Frequency of Use’ and ‘My Personal Notes’. Continue to list all the sites you have listed at the beginning under the first column and in the second column, jot down how often you visit these sites on a weekly basis. You may also be comfortable to work with a daily or monthly basis, it is entirely up to you. In the third column, you are going to add YOUR personal notes of what you think is good and bad about this site relative to WHAT YOU want to achieve. Make as many notes as you can on the third column for THAT specific site and continue to do this with the rest of the sites.
Below the table we are going to add a new header called ‘My Current Dating Strategy’ and write a sentence or two of how well your current strategy is working for you and rate it good, bad or wonderful. Create another header called ‘My Winning Dating Strategy’ and jot down very few sentences of what changes you are likely to make. Now copy the original table and place it below this section. Empty the contents under ‘Frequency of Use’ and ‘My Personal Notes’ in this new table keeping only the list of dating and social sites in the first column. Also on this table, I want you to add a few empty rows below to ADD any new dating and social sites that you may come across when you are browsing or chatting to friends. Carefully go through this table and add truthfully and honestly the information under the other two columns. It is very important that you are realistic about this and will almost determine your winning strategy for dating. Don’t get ahead of yourself and revisit this document in a month and repeat the process by identifying how your previous strategy fared and the new winning strategy that you need to keep on track.
The above method will be a self-correcting process to get you on the right track and allow you to assess yourself at a personal level to make a highly winning strategy designed JUST FOR YOU. You probably heard the very common saying ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink’. This is very true of human beings where all the advice in the world can be hurled at you but you don’t necessarily follow it and in some cases you don’t even realize that you are not following it. This short exercise here has been designed to find YOUR own true potential and to use your wits and mind around you to get the best out of the dating world. It is very possible that you will find that even though you are doing all these activities your heart is not in it for one reason or another. You may also find that you are overdoing it and you need to slow down and this may reflect on the people you are dating.
Tags: dating, Dating & Social Sites, Free Dating Sites, My Current Dating Strategy, Online singles