Posts Tagged ‘iMac PC’
Using search engines to locate good free dating sites - Part 4 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
Article Subject: 4. Use good computers to make your life easier
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Now that you have prepared yourself psychology for this venture ahead, bear in mind that there will be challenges on the way and your resilience to this will be a test of your character.
You will need a reasonably good computer and not the ancient ten year old ones with Windows 98, there is nothing worse than having bad tools for the job. You don’t see plumbers, electricians or even medical people holding onto ancient artifacts unless of course it’s really good and does the job.
I am sad to say that in the age of technology, the advances in this field is so rapid that your electronic devices become obsolete in a matter of a few years if not months. Look at the rapidly changing environment of the hand-held such as the smart phones, ipad and more, there never seems to the same model for more than a few months.
I am not implying that you need to stay abreast of all the latest gizmos and get every device you can get your hand on, but you will need to work with something reasonably modern and that is still in use today. For a PC, a Windows XP still does the job and some of the iMac going back several years are also good. Make sure that your PC or iMac are up to date with the latest updates and you have the most recent browser installed on your machines. Here are the links to get more information on how to keep your computers up to date, for iMac and PC.
Tags: dating for beginners, good computers dating, help search engines, iMac PC, search engine dating