Posts Tagged ‘how to find my boyfriend Is Really into You’
Dead Or Alive Dating Profile… Marketing Goofs by Scam Free Dating Sites
Thursday, March 1st, 2012
Have you ever come across such a marketing ad from dating sites where they claimed online singles were dead? Not sure, well no one can think of this by any stretch or imagination. But wait, this has happened and guesses who’s involved, it’s those sites that claimed to be the scam free dating sites.
This news reel came from the online dating industry that is worth $2bn worldwide as Google dating alerts were crowded by headlines of dating sites that stole pictures of dead soldiers and using them in their advertising promotions. The guilty have been spotted doing this, as the matter came out aka another scam free online dating site stopped running ads for
Family members of lieutenant Peter Burks (whose photo was used in the ad. promotion) are thinking to sue both “pof” and “True” for this insidious act. Online dating is highly competitive industry these days and to gain every bit of extra mileage, dating sites are using different channels to attract online singles. It would be hard to say what really happened as it could be intentional or just a marketing stunt that turned out be a goof up. However it gives every reason for online singles to join scam free dating sites such as Jumpdates.
Tags: Dead Or Alive Dating Profile… Marketing Goofs by Scam Free Dating Sites, Google dating aleart, how to find my boyfriend Is Really into You, jumpdates, Online singles, scam free dating sites