Posts Tagged ‘dating site reviews’ - first look at a dating review site - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Sunday, March 20th, 2011
Article Subject: - first look at a dating review site
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
This dating website comes up near the top when you type into Google ‘dating review sites’. We have already provided a summary review of another dating site called
By the way, if you wanted to type the address directly make sure to include the ’s’ after DatingSite because I had accidently typed which is also a valid name but the owners had pluralised both Site and Review which wasn’t really necessary.
Anyways, the when you first venture to it’s home page shows all the main paid dating sites reviewed one after another and they include sites such as eharmony, match, chemistry etc. In all, they have 25 of these sites listed with a brief description of each alongside it. However, the ‘good bits’ are only found as you scroll down to the bottom and it’s almost hidden from view and you could miss it if you thought this was just another typical site promoting affiliate links.
The information they have below the list include;
- Introducing Your Partner to Your Parents From a Dating Sites
- Having Patience in a Dating Sites Relationship
- Is it Too Soon to go on Dating Sites?
and a few more….
The one I found most interesting was ‘Dating With Children Blogs Top 100′ which lists an extensive collection of links primarily targeted for single moms.
Tags: dating site reviews,, single moms dating, summary dating reviews
Using search engines to locate good free dating sites - Part 11 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
Article Subject: 11. Studying review sites of other free dating sites can also be helpful
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Previously we described how a ’snippet’ that shows up in a Google page is helpful to understanding what the website is about before just randomly clicking away on the first set of results.
Since the aim of this series is to get you trained in locating ‘free dating sites’ and good ones at that, we have other websites that can actually take out the drudgery of locating good dating sites for you. However, a word of caution on these review sites. If you read by post A word about dating review sites, you will know that some sites have been setup with no intention of providing an unbiased view of dating sites and they are merely pushing their ‘affiliated dating sites’ in order to make money.
Good review sites should be honest and unbiased towards any affiliation with other websites and give a straightforward view of the dating site for the end user. You will find the reviews of many dating sites that we have done in this blog are exactly that.
Tags: caution review sites, dating site reviews, online dating advice, review dating sites, search engine tips
Online Dating for Nerds: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Postings - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Friday, February 11th, 2011
Article Subject: Online Dating for Nerds: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Postings
Article Link:
Article Rating: 4.0 (out of 5)
Website: none
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
A fairly chirpy article on two made-up users (Sarah and Alex) who try their hands on several dating sites in the run up to Valentines Day.
The sites they look at consists of Geek2Geek, OtakuBooty, Cupidtino, Sweet on Geeks, OKCupid, and eHarmony. All are subscription (paid) based sites and prices range from $4/yr to $31/m.
Although Sarah has a different take to Alex, their general impressions were the same when it comes to the usability of the site. Here is a summary of their findings:
Serious daters only - Match, Eharmony
Beautiful people - Cupidtino
Ugly people - Match
Ugly interface - OtakuBooty
Too many quizzes - OKCupid
Youngsters - OKCupid
Best responses - OKCupid, Match
Least responses - Cupidtino
Although the ‘geek’ sites were reviewed for the nerd readers of the post, they found that most people were pretty normal in these sites… how enlightening.
Tags: dating site reviews, geeky dating sites, pcworld dating review