Secret formula to success in online dating - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - 6
Article Subject: Secret formula to success in online dating - cont.
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
The purpose of a business entity is several folds but at the end of the day it is to make money and be profitable so that it can sustain growth, pay it’s employees and so forth.
In order to flourish and grow in a competitive market such as today, businesses need to realign their strategies for marketing, sales, product & services development and enhancement. It also needs to address it’s customers who are essential for their survival, without serving their interests and needs the business will go on a tangential path and will be doomed to failure.
The basic tenants of the functions of the business and it’s continued lifecycle in operation, maintenance and growth are exactly the correlation required for the individual to succeed in the online dating game. The analogy could not be any better….
Tags: dating advise help, formula success dating, online dating success, secret online dating, succeed online personals