Online dating tips for women - Part 4 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Article Subject: Online dating tips for women - Part 4
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
The first thing one has to do when you come across a profile that really interests you, is to look at the profile objectively rather than subjectively. This means that you shouldn’t really attach any emotion to the profile, although this can be hard to do. It is okay to be interested and excited about the profile but having an emotional attachment to it may lead to disappointment.
You need to be sure that the profile is as good as it looks on paper as it is in person. However, since your time is precious you need to be sure that the time you invest in pursing any interesting profiles are worthwhile.
You need to really examine the profile.
Look over all the details such as occupation, photos, interests, hobbies and anything that they describe about themselves. This will give you a good insight to what they are all about and also to make sure that all the information checks out and there are no discrepancies. For example, age can be a dead giveaway by comparing the year they completed the education to the actual age they specify.
Tags: checking dating profiles, dating advise women, dating tips women, online dating help