How to score brownie points on your First Date Chat
There may be many experts telling you what to make of your first date chat and how to score some brownie points with your date. Of course, there are a few topics that are not fit for a first date conversation while there are many ways to bell the cat. For the most part, most topics are find for a first date chat. Just don’t get into arguments. It is that simple. That’s not what you want on your first date whether it is in the chat room or in person. Don’t stress on any topic and don’t keep harping on one either. The best way to get your first date chat off to a good start is to choose topics that interest you both. Surely by now you would have learned about each other’s likes and dislikes. So, that’s about the best thing you could do to ensure smooth sailing through that first encounter.
By all means use your date’s profile to come up with a few ideas that could be conversation icebreakers. Your first date chat is about two people interacting on a intellectual level. That’s what is going to make it so enjoyable. In the process, learn to be a good listener and don’t hog all the conversation. That can lead to trouble. Let the words flow. Don’t worry about it too much. It doesn’t matter if there are a few seconds of silence. Sometimes we say a lot through our silence too. Don’t dampen the evening with too much of silence though.
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