How to be liked through examples – 12 key pointers - part 9
<<< How to be liked through examples – 12 key pointers - part 8
(d) Consideration of others
This is a basic quality that all people will need to have that want to be liked by other people.
Try to be considerate and polite to others and the rewards will be greater and immeasurable in ways that you can’t imagine.
By complementing others (point 9), you are not just giving flattery just for the sake of it, you are genuinely showing interest in the other person and showing compassion and respect.
This can give the other person a greater sense of pride that can lift them up too in spirit and mood.
Make sure your compliments do not have any hidden agendas and that it is sincere and comes straight from your heart.
How to be liked through examples – 12 key pointers - part 10 >>>
Tags: self-improvement