Returned 39 results for 'Category: JumpTrends'
Is Google Ruining Your Dating Life for Forever?
Monday, August 20th, 2012
Google search engine is undoubtedly the king of the web. It shows you the search result very close to being perfect and you can’t deny this fact. But, it also has ended the concept of blind dates and has been running the life of dating star who play all sorts of games to earn the confidence of their dating partner.
Related Article - Does Concept of Blind Date Exists
One of the real life example we are talking here (can’t mention the name) where a girl was dating a guy and has been hiding the truth about herself just to get his attention and to keep their dating life active. But, that boy Googled some information about this girl and found what she has been telling her from the past few weeks was nothing but bunch of lies.
That was the last day of their dating story which was the expected reaction. What the girl did was wrong but there are set of people who call her as a dating star and there is another set of people that call her an evil liar. This sort of act is commonly found amongst men as they normally do such things to impress girl.
But, the question that comes to the lime light is does Google run the lives of dating stars? The obvious answer is yes as it is difficult for information to be kept secret by people these days unless they are not active on social media or other internet sites. However, on the other side, it is exposing those habitual people that lie to impress others which that can be very hurtful.
Why don’t you comment on this to share what you guys feel about such cheaters and read this article how to identify such cheaters. Found Your Boyfriend on Free online Dating Site…Is He Really into You?
Tags: dating liars, dating partner, dating star, jumpdates, Ruining dating life
Who Invented the Concept of Giving Diamond Ring for a Marriage Proposal?
Saturday, August 18th, 2012
Now days we see a growing trend of giving diamond rings for a marriage proposal and of course for weddings. Girls love them and it’s a saying that “diamonds are girl’s best friends”. However, the question is where does this concept or trend come from?
Initially, gifting the diamond ring was a symbol of your wealth and grace. It was seen mainly amongst rich men to gift the diamond ring to females. Here is the world’s first diamond ring that was made of 150 carat entirely of a beautifully cut diamond.
The research done by Jumpdates shows that the trend or concept is of both the manufactures as well as rich men who generated this demand. De Beers the largest diamond mining and trading company who represented this as commodity and promoted it as the symbol of eternal love had the biggest psychological impact. On the other side, rich men saw this as the opportunity to impress their lady and to show wealth and supremacy.
Comment this article and the trend in giving a diamond ring. Tell us if you think this is a race amongst rich men, diamond selling companies or just a personal view.
Tags: Beautiful women, De beers, diamond maker, diamond ring on marriage proposal, rich men
What Sexting Means to Your Fun or Addiction
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
You would have probably heard and read about sexting, this is something that is very popular amongst young college going singles. Not only boys but girls are also getting addicted to this method of communication. The recent stats shows that 80% of boys say that they have sent their nude pictures to their female friends whereas only 40% of the females send their nude pictures to their boy friends only. The bottom line is that they love watching nude pictures.
Female singles resist themselves from sending such messages as it turn into a big issue on the campus field or go viral on the internet. There are young singles that have a strange fetish about this as they ask nude pictures of older ladies who are in their 50s.
Here is a recent post of Sexting on a Jumpdates fan page that is going viral
Jumpdates Sexting post and that how much trending this topic is and what Jumpdates fan have to say about this.
Comment on this article and on the Facebook post and tell us what you think about this and whether you feel it is ethically right?
Tags: college dating, online single, sexting, teen singles
Quick Sex Can Bag Gold Medal for Olympians 2012
Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
Olympic is one of the biggest carnival in the world and a platform for athletes all around the globe. These athletes practice for 4 long years to earn the Olympic medals where fraction on seconds or 1 point separate potential gold winners in the points table.
There are lots of stories in the air for the Olympic village. One is that it turns out to be the fantasy land as late night parties begins after the competition. There is food, beer and unknowingly plenty of sex happening in this venue. This is strongly backed up by the sources that reveal that there are 120,000 condoms that are ordered by the organizing committee compared to the 20,000 in the Beijing 2008 games.
The recent study shows that being sexually active can certainly help you in your game. There are lots of misconception and differences about this as some athletes will want to be focused on their game but, there is a large contingent who want to stay active on both on and off the field.
The Colorado State University in their report shows that a quick round of sexual intimacy won’t affect your performance in the game but, athletes should avoid all night long action.
Olympic and sex has been a long historical story which is 100 years old from the first time it was organized in Athens in 1896. Comment on this article and tell us what you think about this gray side to this massive gaming carnival.
Tags: Beijing 2008 games, dates in London, How to earn Olympics Gold medal, London Olympics, Sex during Olympic 2012
Top 5 Female Online Dating Profile Blunders Girls Should Avoid
Monday, July 23rd, 2012
When it comes to online dating profiles on free dating sites, girls are very particular about the details when they read the male profile. They look for the smallest of details and try to gauge the seriousness of the profile holder and what it says about the person. However, when boys look at female profiles they find a different set of mistakes which girls should be aware of.
Here are top FIVE mistakes girls make while creating the online dating profile.
1. “I love going out but don’t mind staying in” – Come on, what kind of line is this. Anyone would love to go out and make sure that you don’t diffuse this with the ‘staying in’ part. Keep the activities of what you like to do when you are staying in and put it into another category.
2. “I am like a famous character from the television series” – You are saying it because you want attention but you are not like that at all. If you must say something like this, say it from a third party point of view ie. ‘People say I have the nose and eyes of ’. Although, keep this short and bear in mind that you have to come across as having some humility.
3. “I have plenty to say but, don’t have anything to write right now” – This line is something many say and easy to spot and can say something about the personality of that person. It can show a sign of someone who struggles communicating which is an essential trait in a successful relationship.
4. “No Emotional Drama Please” – Generally this line comes from a male profile but some females do use it. It’s a clear indication that you are not prepared to take on the emotional ups and downs which any health relationship will have. However, this line generally means people who try to get things through emotional drama. In this case, say you want someone who is honest and to the point and not going to give the run around. This is perfectly reasonable statement to make. From a negative psychological viewpoint, the person making this statement may be the drama queen themselves.
5. “No Photoshop please” - Post a photo that shows some activity or background to make it real. A photo showing only your face is not enough you all have same make, right!
Comment on this article “especially men” to tell us your experience while visiting female profile.
Tags: Free Dating Sites, online dating profile blunders, Top 5 Female Online Dating Profile Blunders Girls Should Avoid