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Remind yourself of the present as 2012 draws to a close
Monday, December 31st, 2012
The famous novel by Charles Dickens a ‘Christmas Carol’ may have an underlying message that has more meaning than what was intended in the book. Today, the world revolves around the smallest of pleasures, be it in the form of TV, movies, food and other entertainment. People all gravitate towards what they can do in the near future and how to get there as fast as possible. These kind of one-sided thoughts may be detrimental to our well being especially when it comes to love and relationships. Maybe we are living too much into the future, thinking or learning very little of the past and trying to move away from the present as fast as possible. Perhaps it’s time to reflect what we are doing and why we are doing it and reclaim some of that precious present time.
The popularity of Eckhart Tolle’s book on the ‘Power of Now’ may perhaps be a result of this shifting trend in people’s lives. Perhaps the Mayan’s knew something we didn’t and maybe they knew deeply the changing trends in human evolution and thus worked out the culmination of a our present era in 12/12 and the beginning of a new era. Whatever this may be, we all know that men have evolved at an alarming rate in the last century alone and our consumption of information, knowledge and advancement is more insatiable than ever. Eckhart points to a very important fact that most of us are actually living in the future. Think about this when we go about our daily business, we continuously feed into our minds with thoughts of where we would like to be in a certain time in the future. Amit Goswami from his popular documentary ‘The Quantum Activist’ clearly states that ‘doing’ and ‘being’ are important traits in our lives. What he is implying by this is that we should take a moment to reflect in between the action list we continuously bombard into our heads. Perhaps the benefit of prayers and meditation holds much importance as a result and even more so in the Muslim calendar where they are required to pray five times a day.
Our restlessness and the desire to be somewhere ‘better’ in the next few minutes keep us moving continuously and this will surely distract us from the needs of the present time. This could be overlooking an important point regarding your partners needs or anyone’s needs for that matter. Naturally, there is a lot to be said of a ‘thinking man’ where they are able to assimilate the information around them the present time and create something for themselves of the future ie. manifest their own lives. Perhaps leaders are borne out of this fact and maybe all of us can learn a lesson or two. Take a few minutes to pause and catch your breath while 2012 draws to a close.
Tags: Charles Dickens, Christmas Carol
What’s in Store for Free Dating Sites in 2013
Saturday, December 29th, 2012
It is fitting to discuss the state of free dating sites which have been a thorn and a blessing to many of the huge paid dating sites. A thorn - because it’s completely free and many singles will flock to these sites as a result. A blessing - because the huge sites can leverage advertisements on these sites to attract potentially targeted folks to their own site. So what is in store for 2013 for free dating sites, how will growth be determined?
It is clear that free dating sites are not going to go away anytime soon and in fact they will continue to grow in strength and numbers. The reason for this is very clear, the number of people logging onto the internet is continuing to grow and fueled by the number of affordable smartphones and tablets hitting the public domain. The demand for apps will rise significantly in 2013 and one can expect to find more dating sites churning out feature rich apps in 2013.
Tablets have increased the number of casual users who who browse the internet due to its great versatility and ease of use. Compare the benefits of having a tablet as opposed to a laptop on your coffee tablet. You want to quickly search for something that you found interesting on your TV or just check your email. With the tablet, it takes a few seconds to get to the browser screen but with a laptop you will need to open the cover, take it out of standby, login and then go to your browser screen. Another factor that will add to the growth of internet users in 2013 will be the affordable devices that manufactures will be bringing to the public. The cost of smartphones and tablets have been decreasing significantly from year to year making it more affordable for many users.
How does all this translate to the growth (if any) of the free dating sites in the year 2013? It’s very simple, many studies have shown that world-wide traffic to online websites have grown in line with the number of users on the internet. Since their is no anticipated slow-down in the internet traffic, we can expect a similar growth for free dating sites into 2013 and beyond. The figure shows a potential increase of up to 30%** in internet traffic which will roughly equate to another 10%-30% increase or growth in traffic to free dating sites. This is definitely good news for online singles who want to save money but still have wider options to find their ideal mate.
**Check out the Wikipedia page for all the latest internet user and usage - Internet traffic
Top Dating Articles of 2012 on Jumpdates Blog
Saturday, December 29th, 2012
More and more singles are joining dating sites that has made singles searching for tips to create profile name.
More search for profile names
Shakespeare Got it Wrong…It is in the Online Dating Profile Names was the trendiest article on Jumpdates in 2012.
Adding more info to this trend singles are more interested in free dating sites and landed here 100 Free Dating Sites Sites - No Credit Card Required
Search for Sport Celebrity
Year 2012 was the year where people were intensely interested about the married life of Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf. There were rumors about their divorce but, luckily they were just rumors and they are still enjoying their happy married life.
What to do when you are in love
More girls and possibly boys searched what they should do or how to press their love when they fall in love as 5 Signs Girls Love their Boyfriends to do became the most popular social network read.
Language of love
They say love do not have any languages and was proved in the form of love shown in this Do you still think love needs a language? as there are so many human emotions that shows how much you love and online singles wanted to understand the human emotion also search Every Hug Speaks a Thousand Words
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Kissing under the mistletoe this Xmas!
Monday, December 24th, 2012
It is strange fact that a plant such as a mistletoe which is a parasite in the plant kingdom is world famous for being host to millions of couples kissing under the mistletoe. How exactly did this pagan ritual which still continues today bear its origins?
The use of mistletoe in rituals dates back to the Greek times where they have been shown to use it as a symbol of virility and often as an aphrodisiac. Through the passage of time the Norse, Celts and Druids have been known to use the misletoe as a herb and for other ritual practices. Men’s curiosity to investigate natures offerings may have led them to figure out pagan practices that brings folks together. Folklore starts with an interesting story that is passed on from generation to generation. No doubt someone came out with a creative story of kissing under the mistletoe in the same manner that the bride throws a bouquet of flowers to the assembly.
Whatever the reasons maybe, people rarely question its authenticity or origin and stories like kissing under the mistletoe just seems so much fun. Invent whatever story you want to attract your sweetheart this Christmas and make that kiss the beginning of something warm and romantic!