Can the formal techniques of interviews help with online dating? Dr Dato’s Brief
I recently came across an interesting article by a woman who provides some insightful information with regarding to asking the right questions when it comes to men. You can find this article here.
To me, the set of questions almost came across a bit like interviewing techniques when you are standing in front of an interviewer answering some deep questions related to the job. It struck me, why can’t people be as cold and brash when selecting partners, after all, the interview process for a job can be quite stringent and has proved well with companies otherwise they would hire on the spot.
What can we learn from this..
Basically the key according to the writer Julie Knight is asking the right set of questions. By analyzing their responses she decides whether to remove the profile and continue moving on. Some of these questions are as follows;
- How long ago did you end your last relationship?
- What did you like about my profile?
- What do you see yourself doing in five years?
- Tell me a story that shows me what kind of parent you are
I think one has to be careful when analyzing the questions, do not just base your decision on just the outcome of one question, look at the whole profile, because people are humans and they have flaws and in a long-term relationship one has to work hard to work and adapt not only to one’s strengths but their weaknesses too.
Tags: asking right questions in dating, interview techniques and dating, selecting the right partner
Nice thought, I think you must be right. Whe we choose our partner. We should be very casual yet ne very sure about what we want. If you are looking for soul mateson free dating sites then there quality approach then quantity approach.
I’m not new to the online dating technique (2 yrs). And I find Ms. Knight piece well written and thought out. I have found everyone can sound good for a day or two….but asking these certain questions help cut thru the bull that men and women like to front themselves with.
You give some valid points too Dr. Dato. But in the beginning, there are no emotions tied up. You can cut down on the hundreds of would be dates by asking some of these questions (plus a couple more). Especially those of us with young children.
I disagree tho with your statement on working hard. True love and long term relationships are not work, the person you ultimately end up with should be your best friend, lover and each others support group. To me that is not hard work…it’s a shared pleasure that i look forward to.
Wishing you all the best in the wacky world of online dating.