Asking for a date - how to break the ice for men - Part 9
<<< Asking for a date - how to break the ice for men - Part 8
You have been there before where you know there are uncomforting moments in talking to the other person and this can be off putting not just for you, but also the other person.
Sooner or later you or the other break the conversation and you accept your defeated state of mind and the process continues again.
By making a huge point of saying the right things or formulating a plan in your head, you may create an insurmountable wall that will defeat you before you even begin.
This is not to say that there are guidelines and advise that you can make good use of but all I am trying to say is that asking someone out for a date should almost be in the same category as buying coffee over a counter.
The less importance you give to this the more positive the result will be.
This falls into the area of where women always like a man that is a challenge to them because they want to get their attention.
This is another subject altogether and I will elaborate more on this on another day.
Asking for a date - how to break the ice for men - Part 10 >>>