Returned 16 results for 'Monthly Archives: October, 2012'
Top FOUR Early troubles in Relationship for Men
Friday, October 19th, 2012
You will hear most of the relationship experts advocating and boasting men as a force that drives the entire world and should be the most fearless creature amongst all humans. To some extent they are right on this position but it’s not entirely true being a MAN myself.
Read full articleAnswer to Your Question Ladies Why - He’s Just Not That into You
Friday, October 19th, 2012
Women from different age groups try hard to analyze and understand the men’s behavior when they are dating them before they move into some sort of long term relationship. They have plenty of questions, scenarios, situation and real life examples whose answers to them could decide the future of their relationship.
Read full articleTags: books on relationship help for women, Greg Behrendt, He's just no into you, Liz Tuccillo, long distance relationship advice, relationship advice expert, Sex and the City
Top Three Qualities Women Look in their Future Husband
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Women are creatures of complexity and not always easy to understand and this is what we have learned from our latest article from reviews of relationship advice books where the thought processes of men and women can be very different.
Read full articleTags: how to choose future husband, husband material, macho men, what women want
Understand Men through Act like a Lady, Think like a Man by Steve Harvey
Thursday, October 11th, 2012
A fast paced life, ever changing preferences in relationship and cheating has increased the divorce rates, more ever than before. This has certainly increased the need of dating coaches and relationship experts for those who want everything to go smoothly in their relationships. There are those who can’t afford the relationship experts or want to go for a self paced help or for other reasons and looks to relationship advice books. There are plenty of different books in the market depending on what help you are seeking. Jumpdates.com is starting a new series to review these top relationship advice books touching on different relationship issues that ensure you pick up the right ones when you need good dating and relationship advice
Read full articleTags: Act like a Lady Think like a Man, relationship help for women, Steve Harvey, understanding men psycology
How Lover becomes a player…It’s Not Easy
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Most of us don’t like a player but there are few exceptions which are obvious. How can you like someone after breaking many hearts and sometimes leaving them in psychological turmoil? There are few who do like this just because of their Casanova image.
However, there are one or more than characteristics that turn a lover to a player. Here are top reasons why someone becomes a player.
1. Multiple heart breaks – This is very much different from multiple fractures as this can certainly break you up as an individual. You love someone and find out that he or she is not into you. This is fine but what if this happens to you 10 times.
2. Childhood without Love – This is also a possibility, being a child he/she must have seen so many fights between their parents that lead to their divorce and that makes a player think that love don’t exist in the real world.
3. Love Materialist Life – One common characteristic that sets the player and lover apart is their love for money and it’s not easy to identify with. You can refer to them as conmon with lots of love in their heart and money in their mind.
4. Love Flesh not Feelings – For some reason physical attraction can overpower the inner beauty for many and it happens to many. You will find out there are people who started loving their partner for their perfect chemistry but soon only love to make sex without any real feelings.
Different players have different stories to share, we did compile a few here to make them aware what they should not be doing. Add your comments to this article and share your views why a lover becomes a player.
Related - Con Man in Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl
Tags: casanova, conman, lover, player, romantic relationship