Review of Paid Dating Site for Physically Disabled – eDateAbility.com - Part 4
Photo and Video Profile Section
You can upload your profile photos and videos from your computer. You can also upload videos and photos directly through your webcam and you can upload as many photos as you want till the maximum space of 5 mb provided is used up. Photos are allowed in the formats of JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, and TGA and any inappropriate image would not be approved.
You can upload videos up to a maximum of 20 MB and are allowed in the format of FLV only.
You can make ‘Public’ your photos and videos, ‘Private’ them or just limit them to the list of friends you have in your account.
All the new photos and videos go through the moderation process and are checked of any inappropriate content in them, so as to avoid violation of the site’s rules.
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