Online dating tips for women - Part 3 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Article Subject: Online dating tips for women - Part 3
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Previously, we discussed how online dating can have a huge client base of different types of people, so for women in particular, they need to do some pretty nifty screening and filtering.
Often the websites have a filter where you can screen out unwanted people that do not meet your criteria, however, this is based on the understanding the all profiles have been created honestly with no fibs. You may find that even though you have filtered out a specific age group that you are only interested in say ‘30-45′, you can find some young kid who maybe posing as an elderly men just for fun. In this case these types of people will be able to communicate with you.
Although, there are these online tools which can help to a great extent, you will need to use your wits about you when you come across a profile that catches your eye. Next, we will show you pointers to do further screening that will help you determine the genuineness and sincerity of the profile that interests you.
Tags: dating tips women, help filtering dating profiles, online advise women, screening bad dating profiles