Making money online – example through online dating - part 19
<<< Making money online – example through online dating - part 18
Make sure to thoroughly test your website, checking every link and especially the forms page where users need to enter data which gets submitted to the server.
Try to check every possible variations of data entry to find possible bugs and remember, you want to be able to break the system when it comes to testing.
For a highly interactive site such as a dating site, you will need to have customized code that talks to the database.
Basically the database will be the repository of all the information pertaining to the user and each time you access web pages with a members profile you are simply querying the database and retrieving the information that gets displayed on the web page.
Similarly when you submit information, it will be stored in the database.
Retrieval and access to the database needs to be reasonably fast and it involves writing optimized database queries.
Making money online – example through online dating - part 20 >>>
Tags: money, online dating